Status: Closed
Resolution: Done
Fix Version/s: 2021
Component/s: FIWARE-LAB-HELP
Sender Email:
Hi FI-ware Lab
I have a few troubles using FI-ware Lab.
I cannot associate an IP with my VM and floating IP.
The VM is on the Karlskrona node.
When i try to associate the IP, i get this error:
Error: undefined. Cause: 400 Error info<>
Are there any solution to my problem, and can you help me?
And then another question
As far as I understand, the LAB is only a sandbox for testing. So if the application is for commercial use, I have to move it all to another server. (correct?)
Are there any guide that describes how to setup FI-ware and General Enablers on another server? And how do i get the packages for the GEs.
Best Regards
Jesper Hvid
Conpleks - Denmark
Fiware-lab-help mailing list
[Created via e-mail received from: Jesper Hvid <>]
Hi Jesper,
Currently the Karlskrona node is migrating from OpenStack Grizzly to OpenStack IceHouse. Consequently, the node is currently not functional.
Best regards,
Karlskrona Node Helpdesk