Status: Closed
Resolution: Done
Fix Version/s: None
Dear Fiware general,
In our company we are using Fiware for more than 5 years. We haven't any engineer certified yet, but it is mandatory for a new project that we areapplying to.
We have read the applicants information, but we can't see how many days it takes from the moment the form is filled in to the certificate is obtained?
Sorry, if this is not the proper email address but I didn't found an specific email address for the certifications.
Best Regards,
Ismael Torres Boigues
Team Leader
T +34963510612
[cid:image001.png@01D9D3BC.EF9B6030] <> [cid:image002.png@01D9D3BC.EF9B6030] <> [cid:image003.png@01D9D3BC.EF9B6030] <>
[cid:image004.png@01D9D3BC.EF9B6030] <>
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[Created via e-mail received from: Ismael Torres Boigues <>]
Slots were scheduled but declined. Further discussions by eMail and LinkedIn messanger. Ismael and team now will prefer to take the exam in December since the tender is no longer relevant.