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  1. Help-Desk
  2. HELP-2097



    • Type: extRequest
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Done
    • Fix Version/s: 2021
    • Component/s: FIWARE-TECH-HELP
    • Labels:


      Hi Antonio,

      Could you perform the following test? Start Cygnus as always, and then create a new fresh entity at Orion and a subscription regarding this new entity. Finally, send me the entire log, please. The best log would be that created in debug mode, so start Cygnus with -Dflume.root.logger=DEBUG,LOGFILE


      De: antonio caristia a.caristia@gmail.com
      Enviado el: jueves, 29 de enero de 2015 17:50
      Asunto: Re: Automatic creation of the hive tables on cosmos

      Hi Francisco,
      I have used a server in python that receives the subscriptions from orion and creates the tables
      using hive api.
      At this moment i use this workaround, problably i'm not able to configure correctly cygnus.
      If you have some ideas to help me, you can send me an email to this address
      Thanks for your reply.

      Best regards,


      2015-01-29 15:43 GMT+01:00 FRANCISCO ROMERO BUENO <francisco.romerobueno@telefonica.com<francisco.romerobueno@telefonica.com>>:
      Hi Antonio,

      Sorry for the delay in continuing the conversation.

      I’ve seen that these tables, associated to your username, have been created:


      Did you created them manually or were they created by Cygnus?


      De: antonio caristia a.caristia@gmail.com<mailto:a.caristia@gmail.com>
      Enviado el: lunes, 19 de enero de 2015 11:13

      Asunto: Re: Automatic creation of the hive tables on cosmos

      Hi Francisco,

      have you any news for my issue?
      If it is not possible to resolve at this moment, can you give me some info how to create
      the tables manually or with bash/python scripts?

      I can't test my widgets without data to query.

      Thanks in advance, best regards.


      2015-01-15 16:57 GMT+01:00 antonio caristia <a.caristia@gmail.com<a.caristia@gmail.com>>:
      Hi Francisco,

      I have modified cygnus.conf and created matching_table.conf on [MY_CYGNUS_HOME]/conf.
      I have no more the error in flume.log but cygnys does not create the tables yet.
      I have attached my flume.log and cygnus.conf.



      2015-01-15 12:08 GMT+01:00 FRANCISCO ROMERO BUENO <francisco.romerobueno@telefonica.com<francisco.romerobueno@telefonica.com>>:
      Hi Antonio,

      A couple of questions:

      • Where do you want to persist your context data? Only Cosmos/HDFS for Hive querying? Because you have also activated the MySQL and CKAN sinks, which is leading to lot of errors due these sinks are not properly configured. Just edit these lines:

      o cygnusagent.sinks = hdfs-sink # i.e. remove mysql-sink ckan-sink

      o cygnusagent.channels = hdfs-channel @ i.e. remove mysql-channel ckan-channel

      o The OrionMySQLSink, OrionCKANSink, ckan-channel and mysql-channel configuration parts may be removed as well.

      • Do you have such /usr/cygnus/conf/matching_table.conf file? This is the default location for the destination extractor matching rules, when installing through the RPM. How did you installed Cygnus? If you installed from sources, just create an empty matching_table.conf file under [YOUR_CYGNUS_HOME]/conf folder.

      I’m not sure if these issues are related or not to the Hive table problem, but fixing them will lead to a more clean log file ☺


      De: antonio caristia a.caristia@gmail.com<mailto:a.caristia@gmail.com>
      Enviado el: jueves, 15 de enero de 2015 10:50

      Asunto: Re: Automatic creation of the hive tables on cosmos

      Hi Francisco,

      I do not use any matching rules, in the log file i have this no such file error.

      [root@orionold logs]# cat flume.log |grep table
      09 Jan 2015 10:30:09,306 ERROR [lifecycleSupervisor-1-2] (es.tid.fiware.fiwareconnectors.cygnus.interceptors.DestinationExtractor.initialize:84) - Runtime error (File not found. Details=/usr/cygnus/conf/matching_table.conf (No such file or directory))
      09 Jan 2015 11:04:15,009 INFO [SinkRunner-PollingRunner-DefaultSinkProcessor] (es.tid.fiware.fiwareconnectors.cygnus.backends.hdfs.HDFSBackend.provisionHiveTable:135) - Creating Hive external table=gioakbombaci_def_serv_Taxi1_Taxi_column
      13 Jan 2015 12:33:42,158 ERROR [lifecycleSupervisor-1-3] (es.tid.fiware.fiwareconnectors.cygnus.interceptors.DestinationExtractor.initialize:84) - Runtime error (File not found. Details=/usr/cygnus/conf/matching_table.conf (No such file or directory))
      13 Jan 2015 12:36:18,190 ERROR [lifecycleSupervisor-1-2] (es.tid.fiware.fiwareconnectors.cygnus.interceptors.DestinationExtractor.initialize:84) - Runtime error (File not found. Details=/usr/cygnus/conf/matching_table.conf (No such file or directory))
      13 Jan 2015 12:57:12,137 ERROR [lifecycleSupervisor-1-2] (es.tid.fiware.fiwareconnectors.cygnus.interceptors.DestinationExtractor.initialize:84) - Runtime error (File not found. Details=/usr/cygnus/conf/matching_table.conf (No such file or directory))

      This is the url https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5QWQPdKi7qvbzE5aVkyZi03NUU/view?usp=sharing on my google drive where you can find flume.log

      The Entity is Taxi1, the type is Taxi.
      These are the attributes:

      1. name = temperature, type = centigrade
      2. name = pressure, type = mmHg
      3. name = PM10, type = concentration
      4. name = taxiPosition, type = coords
      5. name = Service1, type = text
      Thanks for your help, best regards.


      2015-01-15 9:27 GMT+01:00 FRANCISCO ROMERO BUENO <francisco.romerobueno@telefonica.com<francisco.romerobueno@telefonica.com>>:
      Hi Antonio,

      The configuration seems to be OK. Can you send me the related logs?

      In addition, which is the name and type of the NGIS entity whose data is being persisted through Cygnus? Are you using any matching rule at the destination extractor matching table?


      De: antonio caristia a.caristia@gmail.com<mailto:a.caristia@gmail.com>
      Enviado el: martes, 13 de enero de 2015 16:21
      Asunto: Re: Automatic creation of the hive tables on cosmos

      Hi Francisco,
      thanks for your reply.
      I use cygnus 0.6, i have attached my cygnus.conf.

      Thanks for your help, best regards.


      2015-01-13 13:13 GMT+01:00 FRANCISCO ROMERO BUENO <francisco.romerobueno@telefonica.com<francisco.romerobueno@telefonica.com>>:
      Hi Antonio,

      Sorry for the delay, but I was on vacations ☺

      Can you send me the Cygnus configuration you are using? Which Cygnus version indeed?


      De: antonio caristia a.caristia@gmail.com<mailto:a.caristia@gmail.com>
      Enviado el: viernes, 09 de enero de 2015 12:08
      Asunto: Automatic creation of the hive tables on cosmos

      Hi Francisco,
      I have an Orion context broker and i use cygnus to send data on my cosmos account.
      Cygnus create correctly the txt files with the data on my cosmos account, but it does not create
      the tables for hive. I would query my data through an hive client.
      Is there a configuration paramater to set in cygnus.conf to do that?
      How can i solve?

      Thanks in advance.
      Best regards,



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      Fiware-lab-help mailing list

      [Created via e-mail received from: FRANCISCO ROMERO BUENO <francisco.romerobueno@telefonica.com>]

        Issue Links


          fw.ext.user FW External User created issue -
          marcocipriani Marco Cipriani made changes -
          Field Original Value New Value
          Link This issue relates to HELP-1983 [ HELP-1983 ]
          marcocipriani Marco Cipriani made changes -
          Assignee Francisco Romero [ frb ]
          fw.ext.user FW External User added a comment -

          Hi Francisco,
          sorry for the delay in the response but in these days i'm not going to work
          to finish my thesis, I graduate in March.
          I have received an answer on StackOverflow about the problem of the hive
          tables in Cygnus. This is the link of the response:
          It should be useful for you.
          Kind regagrds,


          2015-02-06 8:57 GMT+01:00 FRANCISCO ROMERO BUENO <

          Fiware-lab-help mailing list

          fw.ext.user FW External User added a comment - Hi Francisco, sorry for the delay in the response but in these days i'm not going to work to finish my thesis, I graduate in March. I have received an answer on StackOverflow about the problem of the hive tables in Cygnus. This is the link of the response: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27918545/automatic-creation-of-the-hive-tables-on-cosmos?noredirect=1#comment45506173_27918545 It should be useful for you. Kind regagrds, Antonio 2015-02-06 8:57 GMT+01:00 FRANCISCO ROMERO BUENO < _______________________________________________ Fiware-lab-help mailing list Fiware-lab-help@lists.fi-ware.org https://lists.fi-ware.org/listinfo/fiware-lab-help
          fw.ext.user FW External User added a comment -

          Hi Antonio,

          Yes, I know. Even, I added a comment 2 days ago.

          I’ll close the issue.


          De: antonio caristia <a.caristia@gmail.com<a.caristia@gmail.com>>
          Fecha: domingo, 22 de febrero de 2015, 11:48
          Para: Francisco Romero Bueno <francisco.romerobueno@telefonica.com<francisco.romerobueno@telefonica.com>>
          CC: "gioakbombaci@gmail.com<gioakbombaci@gmail.com>" <gioakbombaci@gmail.com<gioakbombaci@gmail.com>>, "fiware-lab-help@lists.fi-ware.org<fiware-lab-help@lists.fi-ware.org>" <fiware-lab-help@lists.fi-ware.org<fiware-lab-help@lists.fi-ware.org>>
          Asunto: Re: Automatic creation of the hive tables on cosmos

          Hi Francisco,
          sorry for the delay in the response but in these days i'm not going to work to finish my thesis, I graduate in March.
          I have received an answer on StackOverflow about the problem of the hive tables in Cygnus. This is the link of the response:
          It should be useful for you.
          Kind regagrds,


          2015-02-06 8:57 GMT+01:00 FRANCISCO ROMERO BUENO <francisco.romerobueno@telefonica.com<francisco.romerobueno@telefonica.com>>:
          Hi Antonio,

          Could you perform the following test? Start Cygnus as always, and then create a new fresh entity at Orion and a subscription regarding this new entity. Finally, send me the entire log, please. The best log would be that created in debug mode, so start Cygnus with -Dflume.root.logger=DEBUG,LOGFILE


          De: antonio caristia a.caristia@gmail.com<mailto:a.caristia@gmail.com>
          Enviado el: jueves, 29 de enero de 2015 17:50

          Asunto: Re: Automatic creation of the hive tables on cosmos

          Hi Francisco,
          I have used a server in python that receives the subscriptions from orion and creates the tables
          using hive api.
          At this moment i use this workaround, problably i'm not able to configure correctly cygnus.
          If you have some ideas to help me, you can send me an email to this address
          Thanks for your reply.

          Best regards,


          2015-01-29 15:43 GMT+01:00 FRANCISCO ROMERO BUENO <francisco.romerobueno@telefonica.com<francisco.romerobueno@telefonica.com>>:
          Hi Antonio,

          Sorry for the delay in continuing the conversation.

          I’ve seen that these tables, associated to your username, have been created:


          Did you created them manually or were they created by Cygnus?


          De: antonio caristia a.caristia@gmail.com<mailto:a.caristia@gmail.com>
          Enviado el: lunes, 19 de enero de 2015 11:13

          Asunto: Re: Automatic creation of the hive tables on cosmos

          Hi Francisco,

          have you any news for my issue?
          If it is not possible to resolve at this moment, can you give me some info how to create
          the tables manually or with bash/python scripts?

          I can't test my widgets without data to query.

          Thanks in advance, best regards.


          2015-01-15 16:57 GMT+01:00 antonio caristia <a.caristia@gmail.com<a.caristia@gmail.com>>:
          Hi Francisco,

          I have modified cygnus.conf and created matching_table.conf on [MY_CYGNUS_HOME]/conf.
          I have no more the error in flume.log but cygnys does not create the tables yet.
          I have attached my flume.log and cygnus.conf.



          2015-01-15 12:08 GMT+01:00 FRANCISCO ROMERO BUENO <francisco.romerobueno@telefonica.com<francisco.romerobueno@telefonica.com>>:
          Hi Antonio,

          A couple of questions:

          · Where do you want to persist your context data? Only Cosmos/HDFS for Hive querying? Because you have also activated the MySQL and CKAN sinks, which is leading to lot of errors due these sinks are not properly configured. Just edit these lines:

          o cygnusagent.sinks = hdfs-sink # i.e. remove mysql-sink ckan-sink

          o cygnusagent.channels = hdfs-channel @ i.e. remove mysql-channel ckan-channel

          o The OrionMySQLSink, OrionCKANSink, ckan-channel and mysql-channel configuration parts may be removed as well.

          · Do you have such /usr/cygnus/conf/matching_table.conf file? This is the default location for the destination extractor matching rules, when installing through the RPM. How did you installed Cygnus? If you installed from sources, just create an empty matching_table.conf file under [YOUR_CYGNUS_HOME]/conf folder.

          I’m not sure if these issues are related or not to the Hive table problem, but fixing them will lead to a more clean log file


          De: antonio caristia a.caristia@gmail.com<mailto:a.caristia@gmail.com>
          Enviado el: jueves, 15 de enero de 2015 10:50

          Asunto: Re: Automatic creation of the hive tables on cosmos

          Hi Francisco,

          I do not use any matching rules, in the log file i have this no such file error.

          [root@orionold logs]# cat flume.log |grep table
          09 Jan 2015 10:30:09,306 ERROR [lifecycleSupervisor-1-2] (es.tid.fiware.fiwareconnectors.cygnus.interceptors.DestinationExtractor.initialize:84) - Runtime error (File not found. Details=/usr/cygnus/conf/matching_table.conf (No such file or directory))
          09 Jan 2015 11:04:15,009 INFO [SinkRunner-PollingRunner-DefaultSinkProcessor] (es.tid.fiware.fiwareconnectors.cygnus.backends.hdfs.HDFSBackend.provisionHiveTable:135) - Creating Hive external table=gioakbombaci_def_serv_Taxi1_Taxi_column
          13 Jan 2015 12:33:42,158 ERROR [lifecycleSupervisor-1-3] (es.tid.fiware.fiwareconnectors.cygnus.interceptors.DestinationExtractor.initialize:84) - Runtime error (File not found. Details=/usr/cygnus/conf/matching_table.conf (No such file or directory))
          13 Jan 2015 12:36:18,190 ERROR [lifecycleSupervisor-1-2] (es.tid.fiware.fiwareconnectors.cygnus.interceptors.DestinationExtractor.initialize:84) - Runtime error (File not found. Details=/usr/cygnus/conf/matching_table.conf (No such file or directory))
          13 Jan 2015 12:57:12,137 ERROR [lifecycleSupervisor-1-2] (es.tid.fiware.fiwareconnectors.cygnus.interceptors.DestinationExtractor.initialize:84) - Runtime error (File not found. Details=/usr/cygnus/conf/matching_table.conf (No such file or directory))

          This is the url https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5QWQPdKi7qvbzE5aVkyZi03NUU/view?usp=sharing on my google drive where you can find flume.log

          The Entity is Taxi1, the type is Taxi.
          These are the attributes:

          1. name = temperature, type = centigrade
          2. name = pressure, type = mmHg
          3. name = PM10, type = concentration
          4. name = taxiPosition, type = coords
          5. name = Service1, type = text
          Thanks for your help, best regards.


          2015-01-15 9:27 GMT+01:00 FRANCISCO ROMERO BUENO <francisco.romerobueno@telefonica.com<francisco.romerobueno@telefonica.com>>:
          Hi Antonio,

          The configuration seems to be OK. Can you send me the related logs?

          In addition, which is the name and type of the NGIS entity whose data is being persisted through Cygnus? Are you using any matching rule at the destination extractor matching table?


          De: antonio caristia a.caristia@gmail.com<mailto:a.caristia@gmail.com>
          Enviado el: martes, 13 de enero de 2015 16:21
          Asunto: Re: Automatic creation of the hive tables on cosmos

          Hi Francisco,
          thanks for your reply.
          I use cygnus 0.6, i have attached my cygnus.conf.

          Thanks for your help, best regards.


          2015-01-13 13:13 GMT+01:00 FRANCISCO ROMERO BUENO <francisco.romerobueno@telefonica.com<francisco.romerobueno@telefonica.com>>:
          Hi Antonio,

          Sorry for the delay, but I was on vacations

          Can you send me the Cygnus configuration you are using? Which Cygnus version indeed?


          De: antonio caristia a.caristia@gmail.com<mailto:a.caristia@gmail.com>
          Enviado el: viernes, 09 de enero de 2015 12:08
          Asunto: Automatic creation of the hive tables on cosmos

          Hi Francisco,
          I have an Orion context broker and i use cygnus to send data on my cosmos account.
          Cygnus create correctly the txt files with the data on my cosmos account, but it does not create
          the tables for hive. I would query my data through an hive client.
          Is there a configuration paramater to set in cygnus.conf to do that?
          How can i solve?

          Thanks in advance.
          Best regards,


          fw.ext.user FW External User added a comment - Hi Antonio, Yes, I know. Even, I added a comment 2 days ago. I’ll close the issue. Regards, Francisco De: antonio caristia <a.caristia@gmail.com< a.caristia@gmail.com >> Fecha: domingo, 22 de febrero de 2015, 11:48 Para: Francisco Romero Bueno <francisco.romerobueno@telefonica.com< francisco.romerobueno@telefonica.com >> CC: "gioakbombaci@gmail.com< gioakbombaci@gmail.com >" <gioakbombaci@gmail.com< gioakbombaci@gmail.com >>, "fiware-lab-help@lists.fi-ware.org< fiware-lab-help@lists.fi-ware.org >" <fiware-lab-help@lists.fi-ware.org< fiware-lab-help@lists.fi-ware.org >> Asunto: Re: Automatic creation of the hive tables on cosmos Hi Francisco, sorry for the delay in the response but in these days i'm not going to work to finish my thesis, I graduate in March. I have received an answer on StackOverflow about the problem of the hive tables in Cygnus. This is the link of the response: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27918545/automatic-creation-of-the-hive-tables-on-cosmos?noredirect=1#comment45506173_27918545 It should be useful for you. Kind regagrds, Antonio 2015-02-06 8:57 GMT+01:00 FRANCISCO ROMERO BUENO <francisco.romerobueno@telefonica.com< francisco.romerobueno@telefonica.com >>: Hi Antonio, Could you perform the following test? Start Cygnus as always, and then create a new fresh entity at Orion and a subscription regarding this new entity. Finally, send me the entire log, please. The best log would be that created in debug mode, so start Cygnus with -Dflume.root.logger=DEBUG,LOGFILE Thanks! Francisco De: antonio caristia a.caristia@gmail.com<mailto:a.caristia@gmail.com> Enviado el: jueves, 29 de enero de 2015 17:50 Para: FRANCISCO ROMERO BUENO Asunto: Re: Automatic creation of the hive tables on cosmos Hi Francisco, I have used a server in python that receives the subscriptions from orion and creates the tables using hive api. At this moment i use this workaround, problably i'm not able to configure correctly cygnus. If you have some ideas to help me, you can send me an email to this address Thanks for your reply. Best regards, Antonio 2015-01-29 15:43 GMT+01:00 FRANCISCO ROMERO BUENO <francisco.romerobueno@telefonica.com< francisco.romerobueno@telefonica.com >>: Hi Antonio, Sorry for the delay in continuing the conversation. I’ve seen that these tables, associated to your username, have been created: gioakbombaci_pm10_142245780725_observations gioakbombaci_pm10_142245909633_observations gioakbombaci_pm10_142245960442_observations gioakbombaci_pm10_142246020579_observations gioakbombaci_pm10_142246134747_observations gioakbombaci_pm10_142246257881_observations gioakbombaci_pm10_142246363018_observations gioakbombaci_pm10_142246475644_observations gioakbombaci_pm10_14224658677_observations gioakbombaci_pm10_142246691926_observations gioakbombaci_pm10_14224683607_observations gioakbombaci_pressure_142245780725_observations gioakbombaci_pressure_142245909633_observations gioakbombaci_pressure_142245960442_observations gioakbombaci_pressure_142246020579_observations gioakbombaci_pressure_142246134747_observations gioakbombaci_pressure_142246257881_observations gioakbombaci_pressure_142246363018_observations gioakbombaci_pressure_142246475644_observations gioakbombaci_pressure_14224658677_observations gioakbombaci_pressure_142246691926_observations gioakbombaci_pressure_14224683607_observations gioakbombaci_temperature_142245780725_observations gioakbombaci_temperature_142245909633_observations gioakbombaci_temperature_142245960442_observations gioakbombaci_temperature_142246020579_observations gioakbombaci_temperature_142246134747_observations gioakbombaci_temperature_142246257881_observations gioakbombaci_temperature_142246363018_observations gioakbombaci_temperature_142246475644_observations gioakbombaci_temperature_14224658677_observations gioakbombaci_temperature_142246691926_observations gioakbombaci_temperature_14224683607_observations Did you created them manually or were they created by Cygnus? Regards, Francisco De: antonio caristia a.caristia@gmail.com<mailto:a.caristia@gmail.com> Enviado el: lunes, 19 de enero de 2015 11:13 Para: FRANCISCO ROMERO BUENO Asunto: Re: Automatic creation of the hive tables on cosmos Hi Francisco, have you any news for my issue? If it is not possible to resolve at this moment, can you give me some info how to create the tables manually or with bash/python scripts? I can't test my widgets without data to query. Thanks in advance, best regards. Antonio 2015-01-15 16:57 GMT+01:00 antonio caristia <a.caristia@gmail.com< a.caristia@gmail.com >>: Hi Francisco, I have modified cygnus.conf and created matching_table.conf on [MY_CYGNUS_HOME] /conf. I have no more the error in flume.log but cygnys does not create the tables yet. I have attached my flume.log and cygnus.conf. Regards, Antonio 2015-01-15 12:08 GMT+01:00 FRANCISCO ROMERO BUENO <francisco.romerobueno@telefonica.com< francisco.romerobueno@telefonica.com >>: Hi Antonio, A couple of questions: · Where do you want to persist your context data? Only Cosmos/HDFS for Hive querying? Because you have also activated the MySQL and CKAN sinks, which is leading to lot of errors due these sinks are not properly configured. Just edit these lines: o cygnusagent.sinks = hdfs-sink # i.e. remove mysql-sink ckan-sink o cygnusagent.channels = hdfs-channel @ i.e. remove mysql-channel ckan-channel o The OrionMySQLSink, OrionCKANSink, ckan-channel and mysql-channel configuration parts may be removed as well. · Do you have such /usr/cygnus/conf/matching_table.conf file? This is the default location for the destination extractor matching rules, when installing through the RPM. How did you installed Cygnus? If you installed from sources, just create an empty matching_table.conf file under [YOUR_CYGNUS_HOME] /conf folder. I’m not sure if these issues are related or not to the Hive table problem, but fixing them will lead to a more clean log file Regards, Francisco De: antonio caristia a.caristia@gmail.com<mailto:a.caristia@gmail.com> Enviado el: jueves, 15 de enero de 2015 10:50 Para: FRANCISCO ROMERO BUENO Asunto: Re: Automatic creation of the hive tables on cosmos Hi Francisco, I do not use any matching rules, in the log file i have this no such file error. [root@orionold logs] # cat flume.log |grep table 09 Jan 2015 10:30:09,306 ERROR [lifecycleSupervisor-1-2] (es.tid.fiware.fiwareconnectors.cygnus.interceptors.DestinationExtractor.initialize:84) - Runtime error (File not found. Details=/usr/cygnus/conf/matching_table.conf (No such file or directory)) 09 Jan 2015 11:04:15,009 INFO [SinkRunner-PollingRunner-DefaultSinkProcessor] (es.tid.fiware.fiwareconnectors.cygnus.backends.hdfs.HDFSBackend.provisionHiveTable:135) - Creating Hive external table=gioakbombaci_def_serv_Taxi1_Taxi_column 13 Jan 2015 12:33:42,158 ERROR [lifecycleSupervisor-1-3] (es.tid.fiware.fiwareconnectors.cygnus.interceptors.DestinationExtractor.initialize:84) - Runtime error (File not found. Details=/usr/cygnus/conf/matching_table.conf (No such file or directory)) 13 Jan 2015 12:36:18,190 ERROR [lifecycleSupervisor-1-2] (es.tid.fiware.fiwareconnectors.cygnus.interceptors.DestinationExtractor.initialize:84) - Runtime error (File not found. Details=/usr/cygnus/conf/matching_table.conf (No such file or directory)) 13 Jan 2015 12:57:12,137 ERROR [lifecycleSupervisor-1-2] (es.tid.fiware.fiwareconnectors.cygnus.interceptors.DestinationExtractor.initialize:84) - Runtime error (File not found. Details=/usr/cygnus/conf/matching_table.conf (No such file or directory)) This is the url https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5QWQPdKi7qvbzE5aVkyZi03NUU/view?usp=sharing on my google drive where you can find flume.log The Entity is Taxi1, the type is Taxi. These are the attributes: 1. name = temperature, type = centigrade 2. name = pressure, type = mmHg 3. name = PM10, type = concentration 4. name = taxiPosition, type = coords 5. name = Service1, type = text Thanks for your help, best regards. Antonio 2015-01-15 9:27 GMT+01:00 FRANCISCO ROMERO BUENO <francisco.romerobueno@telefonica.com< francisco.romerobueno@telefonica.com >>: Hi Antonio, The configuration seems to be OK. Can you send me the related logs? In addition, which is the name and type of the NGIS entity whose data is being persisted through Cygnus? Are you using any matching rule at the destination extractor matching table? Regards, Francisco De: antonio caristia a.caristia@gmail.com<mailto:a.caristia@gmail.com> Enviado el: martes, 13 de enero de 2015 16:21 Para: FRANCISCO ROMERO BUENO Asunto: Re: Automatic creation of the hive tables on cosmos Hi Francisco, thanks for your reply. I use cygnus 0.6, i have attached my cygnus.conf. Thanks for your help, best regards. Antonio 2015-01-13 13:13 GMT+01:00 FRANCISCO ROMERO BUENO <francisco.romerobueno@telefonica.com< francisco.romerobueno@telefonica.com >>: Hi Antonio, Sorry for the delay, but I was on vacations Can you send me the Cygnus configuration you are using? Which Cygnus version indeed? Regards, Francisco De: antonio caristia a.caristia@gmail.com<mailto:a.caristia@gmail.com> Enviado el: viernes, 09 de enero de 2015 12:08 Para: FRANCISCO ROMERO BUENO Asunto: Automatic creation of the hive tables on cosmos Hi Francisco, I have an Orion context broker and i use cygnus to send data on my cosmos account. Cygnus create correctly the txt files with the data on my cosmos account, but it does not create the tables for hive. I would query my data through an hive client. Is there a configuration paramater to set in cygnus.conf to do that? How can i solve? Thanks in advance. Best regards, Antonio
          frb Francisco Romero made changes -
          Status Open [ 1 ] In Progress [ 3 ]
          frb Francisco Romero made changes -
          Status In Progress [ 3 ] Answered [ 10104 ]
          frb Francisco Romero made changes -
          Resolution Done [ 10000 ]
          Status Answered [ 10104 ] Closed [ 6 ]
          mev Manuel Escriche made changes -
          Component/s FIWARE-LAB-HELP [ 10279 ]
          frb Francisco Romero made changes -
          Summary Re: [Fiware-lab-help] Automatic creation of the hive tables on cosmos FIWARE.Request.Lab.Data.BigData-Analysis.AutomaticHiveTablesCreation
          mev Manuel Escriche made changes -
          Component/s FIWARE-TECH-HELP [ 10278 ]
          Component/s FIWARE-LAB-HELP [ 10279 ]
          mev Manuel Escriche made changes -
          Summary FIWARE.Request.Lab.Data.BigData-Analysis.AutomaticHiveTablesCreation FIWARE.Request.Tech.Data.BigData-Analysis.AutomaticHiveTablesCreation
          mev Manuel Escriche made changes -
          mev Manuel Escriche made changes -
          HD-Enabler Cosmos [ 10872 ]
          HD-Chapter Data [ 10838 ]
          fla Fernando Lopez made changes -
          Fix Version/s 2021 [ 12600 ]
          Transition Time In Source Status Execution Times Last Executer Last Execution Date
          Open Open In Progress In Progress
          16d 5h 58m 1 Francisco Romero 22/Feb/15 2:57 PM
          In Progress In Progress Answered Answered
          4s 1 Francisco Romero 22/Feb/15 2:57 PM
          Answered Answered Closed Closed
          4s 1 Francisco Romero 22/Feb/15 2:57 PM


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