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FIWARE.Question.Tech.Subscription between Orion context broker and Quantumleap works, but table is not created in CrateDB.



      Created question in FIWARE Q/A platform on 01-12-2022 at 16:12
      Please, ANSWER this question AT https://stackoverflow.com/questions/74644808/subscription-between-orion-context-broker-and-quantumleap-works-but-table-is-no

      Subscription between Orion context broker and Quantumleap works, but table is not created in CrateDB

      I've been working for a couple of months with Fiware, using Quantumleap and CrateDB to store historical data (which will then be displayed in Grafana).
      I have created about 14 successful subscriptions through Postman for different sensors, but for the past couple of weeks I am struggling to create a new additional subscription.
      Below I share the JSON that I am using to create this subscription (following the format that I have used in previous subscriptions):
      "description": "Suscripcion a cambios de contexto CALCULATION",
      "subject": {
      "entities": [

      { "idPattern": ".*", "type": "CALCULATION" }


      { "attrs": [ "ActivePowerConsumedA1", "ActivePowerConsumedA2", "ActivePowerConsumedA3", "EnergyShareA1", "EnergyShareA2", "EnergyShareA3", "EquivalentTrees", "FR1_B11_20Efficiency", "FR1_B18_10Efficiency", "FR1_B18_12.5Efficiency", "FR2_B11_20Efficiency", "FR2_B18_10Efficiency", "FR2_B18_12.5Efficiency", "GeneratedEnergyDayA1", "GeneratedEnergyDayA2", "GeneratedEnergyDayA3", "GeneratedPowerA1", "GeneratedPowerA2", "GeneratedPowerA3", "MI_B10_5Efficiency", "PowerShareA1", "PowerShareA2", "PowerShareA3", "SL_B11_28Efficiency", "TotalActiveEnergyConsumedDay", "TotalActivePowerConsumed", "TotalEmissions", "TotalEnergyShare", "TotalGeneratedEnergy", "TotalGeneratedEnergyDay", "TotalGeneratedPower", "TotalPowerShare" ] }

      "notification": {
      "attrs": [

      { "url": "http://quantumleap:8668/v2/notify" }

      "metadata": [

      As expected, I get HTTP response code 201 Created
      Additionally, when I query OCB for subscriptions, I get, among the existing subscriptions created, the one I just created:
      "id": "6388cc5324c929752900e240",
      "description": "Suscripcion a cambios de contexto CALCULATION",
      "status": "active",
      "subject": {
      "entities": [

      { "idPattern": ".*", "type": "CALCULATION" }


      { "attrs": [ "ActivePowerConsumedA1", "ActivePowerConsumedA2", "ActivePowerConsumedA3", "EnergyShareA1", "EnergyShareA2", "EnergyShareA3", "EquivalentTrees", "FR1_B11_20Efficiency", "FR1_B18_10Efficiency", "FR1_B18_12.5Efficiency", "FR2_B11_20Efficiency", "FR2_B18_10Efficiency", "FR2_B18_12.5Efficiency", "GeneratedEnergyDayA1", "GeneratedEnergyDayA2", "GeneratedEnergyDayA3", "GeneratedPowerA1", "GeneratedPowerA2", "GeneratedPowerA3", "MI_B10_5Efficiency", "PowerShareA1", "PowerShareA2", "PowerShareA3", "SL_B11_28Efficiency", "TotalActiveEnergyConsumedDay", "TotalActivePowerConsumed", "TotalEmissions", "TotalEnergyShare", "TotalGeneratedEnergy", "TotalGeneratedEnergyDay", "TotalGeneratedPower", "TotalPowerShare" ] }

      "notification": {
      "timesSent": 3,
      "lastNotification": "2022-12-01T15:49:09.000Z",
      "attrs": [
      "onlyChangedAttrs": false,
      "attrsFormat": "normalized",

      { "url": "http://quantumleap:8668/v2/notify" }

      "metadata": [
      "lastSuccess": "2022-12-01T15:49:09.000Z",
      "lastSuccessCode": 500,
      "covered": false

      When I go into CrateDB to verify the creation of the table, it simply does NOT show up.
      Am I doing something wrong with this particular subscription?
      What should I do to get this table to appear in CrateDB? since I need it to continue advancing in a project
      I am attentive to the comments and I am very grateful for the collaboration.
      I tried deleting and recreating the subscription and even the entity, hoping that after doing so, the table would be created after creating the subscription again.
      The table was never created.
      I tried to download the CrateDB service, whose version used is 5.0.0 and, after uploading it again, waiting for the table to appear, it still did not appear.



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            backlogmanager Backlog Manager
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