Dear FIWARE tema,
From 2 to 5 june, Nantes is hosting Velo city 2015 ( .
The event will mobilize and connect cycling communities worldwide with the French speaking countries. The goal is to send a loud and clear message : "Cycling: Future Maker".
Cycling will play a key role in influencing the future of our society. The conference will be an open invitation to think, participate, and collaborate to create effective solutions and achieve a true shift in cycling culture.
As an actor of FIWARE and accelerator with FIC3, we were asked by Nantes Métropole to organize on June 4th a 8 hours hackathon oriented around enablers for transport, environment, multimedia and data, healthcare....
The aim is to ask teams to create applications linked to cycling and soft mobility using FIWARE enablers.
Our goal is also to prepare the next FI-C3 calls and engage SMEs to apply. In order to coach at the best within this short time the participants, we would like to invite FIWARE experts to participate to this event, to provide a focus on generic and specific enablers oriented around transport and application for soft mobility (cycling, green, ...). Images & Réseaux will support travelling and accommodations.
Best Regards
Gael (FI-C3 Coordinator)
Fiware-speakers-request mailing list
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Dear Gael,
Thanks for your interest, it sounds very interesting the Velo City conference. Please, let me check internally in FIWARE if your proposal is feasible and answer you as soon as possible.