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FIWARE.Question.Tech.Dockerize FIWARE can't notify a service.



      Created question in FIWARE Q/A platform on 02-09-2021 at 01:09
      Please, ANSWER this question AT https://stackoverflow.com/questions/69023070/dockerize-fiware-cant-notify-a-service

      Dockerize FIWARE can't notify a service

      I just started to use FIWARE. I downloaded the latest version on the website (v2) using docker-compose on a PopOs distro.
      I'm using Postman to make requests (create the entities and subscriptions) and a Laravel application to listen the notification from the FIWARE subscriptions. But for some reason, today, when I started the docker service and start to send requests: the FIWARE notifications suddenly stopped to work.
      When I access the subscriptions endpoint FIWARE returns:
      "notification": {
      "timesSent": 1,
      "lastNotification": "2021-09-02T01:19:39.000Z",
      "attrs": [],
      "onlyChangedAttrs": false,
      "attrsFormat": "keyValues",

      { "url": "http://localhost:8000/api/notifications" }

      "lastFailure": "2021-09-02T01:19:39.000Z",
      "lastFailureReason": "Couldn't connect to server"

      FIWARE can't comunicate, but if I make a POST request using Postman for that endpoint (http://localhost:8000/api/notifications) it returns 200.
      There's some aditional configuration between the FIWARE docker container and the local machine? Or I'm doing something wrong?
      This is my entity:
      // http://orion/v2/subscription

      "id": "movie",
      "type": "movie",

      { "type": "text", "value": "movie name" }


      { "type": "text", "value": "drama" }


      This is how I'm doing the subscription:
      // http://orion/v2/subscriptions

      "description": "Notify me about any movie of gender drama",
      "subject": {
      "entities": [

      {"idPattern": ".*","type": "movie"}

      "condition": {
      "attrs": ["gender"],

      { "q": "gender==drama" }

      "notification": {

      { "url": "" }



        Transition Time In Source Status Execution Times Last Executer Last Execution Date
        Open Open In Progress In Progress
        5h 10m 1 Fernando Lopez 02/Sep/21 12:42 PM
        In Progress In Progress Answered Answered
        1s 1 Fernando Lopez 02/Sep/21 12:42 PM
        Answered Answered Closed Closed
        18h 48m 1 Backlog Manager 03/Sep/21 7:31 AM


          • Assignee:
            jason.fox Jason Fox
            backlogmanager Backlog Manager
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