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FIWARE.Question.Tech.What is the best way to send vibration sensor timeseries data through Fiware orion?.



      Created question in FIWARE Q/A platform on 08-06-2021 at 08:06
      Please, ANSWER this question AT https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67884209/what-is-the-best-way-to-send-vibration-sensor-timeseries-data-through-fiware-ori

      What is the best way to send vibration sensor timeseries data through Fiware orion?

      I am relatively new in Fiware and I was looking for some directions.
      We are interested in using Fiware for timeseries sensor data collection. Since vibration data is a bit intense unlike a temp. sensor, we would like to send viration data in batches with certain time periods e.g. every 5 mins one second of data window in batches. Is it possible to send data in such way as a vector for example through context broker with a target to persist in a timeseries database? (e.g. CrateDB)
      Could you please give me some hints or point me to the resources that ?


        backlogmanager Backlog Manager created issue -
        backlogmanager Backlog Manager added a comment -

        2021-06-09 05:31|CREATED monitor | # answers= 0, accepted answer= False

        backlogmanager Backlog Manager added a comment - 2021-06-09 05:31|CREATED monitor | # answers= 0, accepted answer= False
        backlogmanager Backlog Manager made changes -
        Field Original Value New Value
        Component/s FIWARE-TECH-HELP [ 10278 ]
        backlogmanager Backlog Manager made changes -
        HD-Enabler Unknown [ 10910 ]
        HD-Chapter Unknown [ 10845 ]
        HD-Node Unknown [ 10852 ]
        backlogmanager Backlog Manager made changes -
        Status Open [ 1 ] In Progress [ 3 ]
        backlogmanager Backlog Manager added a comment -

        2021-06-10 05:31|UPDATED status: transition Answer| # answers= 1, accepted answer= False

        backlogmanager Backlog Manager added a comment - 2021-06-10 05:31|UPDATED status: transition Answer| # answers= 1, accepted answer= False
        backlogmanager Backlog Manager made changes -
        Status In Progress [ 3 ] Answered [ 10104 ]
        backlogmanager Backlog Manager added a comment -

        2021-06-11 05:31|UPDATED status: transition Answered| # answers= 1, accepted answer= False

        backlogmanager Backlog Manager added a comment - 2021-06-11 05:31|UPDATED status: transition Answered| # answers= 1, accepted answer= False
        fla Fernando Lopez made changes -
        Assignee Ken Zangelin [ kzangeli ]
        fla Fernando Lopez made changes -
        Resolution Done [ 10000 ]
        Status Answered [ 10104 ] Closed [ 6 ]
        backlogmanager Backlog Manager made changes -
        Summary [fiware-stackoverflow] What is the best way to send vibration sensor timeseries data through Fiware orion? FIWARE.Question.Tech.What is the best way to send vibration sensor timeseries data through Fiware orion?.
        HD-Enabler Unknown [ 10910 ]
        HD-Chapter Unknown [ 10845 ]
        HD-Node Unknown [ 10852 ]
        Transition Time In Source Status Execution Times Last Executer Last Execution Date
        Open Open In Progress In Progress
        1d 1 Backlog Manager 10/Jun/21 7:31 AM
        In Progress In Progress Answered Answered
        1d 1 Backlog Manager 11/Jun/21 7:31 AM
        Answered Answered Closed Closed
        3d 3m 1 Fernando Lopez 14/Jun/21 7:34 AM


          • Assignee:
            kzangeli Ken Zangelin
            backlogmanager Backlog Manager
          • Votes:
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue


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