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FIWARE.Question.Tech.Is there a way to patch to an entity using wildcards or list of servicepaths.



      Created question in FIWARE Q/A platform on 12-03-2020 at 19:03
      Please, ANSWER this question AT https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60660119/is-there-a-way-to-patch-to-an-entity-using-wildcards-or-list-of-servicepaths

      Is there a way to patch to an entity using wildcards or list of servicepaths

      Im trying to update an entity using the PATCH /v2/entities/id/attrs endpoint. The service of the id is known; however, the servicepath is not.

      My first attempt was to leave the header empty or rather not send it at all. For a GET query, this does the job right, however for a PATCH, this returns me a 200. First question, is this the expected behavior?

      Second try was to use a wildcard. I know that my entity is at SP /automatization/<something>. I tried PATCHing to /automatization/# and got a 204, but the entity did not change.

      My last try was to use a list of known SPs: I know the entity I want is in one of a number of SPs, so a used a comma separated list as the SP header. Same as above: 204 but no change.

      Am I missing something?

      Orion version:

      "orion": {
      "version": "2.3.0-next",
      "uptime": "2 d, 1 h, 50 m, 52 s",
      "git_hash": "c99fef1b5c93bf1673d407968c2c101f01b95980",
      "compile_time": "Tue Mar 10 09:46:52 UTC 2020",
      "compiled_by": "root",
      "compiled_in": "0a42bdf43030",
      "release_date": "Tue Mar 10 09:46:52 UTC 2020",
      "doc": "https://fiware-orion.rtfd.io/"



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            backlogmanager Backlog Manager
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