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  1. Help-Desk
  2. HELP-16177

FIWARE.Request.Lab.FIWARE Lab Assistance.


    • Type: extRequest
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Done
    • Fix Version/s: 2021
    • Component/s: FIWARE-LAB-HELP
    • Labels:


      Dear all,
      there are some problems with this repository?

      We are unable to install an instance of Context Broker.

      Thank you

      Andrea Chiancone, PhD
      Engineer & Project Manager
      Esri Silver Partner Network - Microsoft Silver Certified Partner - Fiware Gold Partner

      P.I. - C.F. 02982970549 - www.teamdev.it<http://www.teamdev.it/>
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      Operational headquarters: Tuscany | Albania

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      [Created via e-mail received from: Andrea Chiancone <a.chiancone@teamdev.it>]


        fw.ext.user FW External User created issue -
        fla Fernando Lopez made changes -
        Field Original Value New Value
        Assignee Dmitrii Demin [ dmitrii ]
        jicg José Ignacio Carretero Guarde made changes -
        Assignee Dmitrii Demin [ dmitrii ] Jose Manuel Cantera [ jmcantera ]
        backlogmanager Backlog Manager made changes -
        Component/s FIWARE-LAB-HELP [ 10279 ]
        fla Fernando Lopez made changes -
        Assignee Jose Manuel Cantera [ jmcantera ] Fernando Lopez [ fla ]
        fla Fernando Lopez made changes -
        External Participants a.chiancone@teamdev.it
        fla Fernando Lopez made changes -
        Status Open [ 1 ] In Progress [ 3 ]
        fla Fernando Lopez made changes -
        Status In Progress [ 3 ] Answered [ 10104 ]
        fla Fernando Lopez made changes -
        Resolution Done [ 10000 ]
        Status Answered [ 10104 ] Closed [ 6 ]
        backlogmanager Backlog Manager made changes -
        Summary [Fiware-lab-help] FIWARE Lab Assistance FIWARE.Request.Lab.FIWARE Lab Assistance.
        fla Fernando Lopez made changes -
        Fix Version/s 2021 [ 12600 ]


          • Assignee:
            fla Fernando Lopez
            fw.ext.user FW External User
          • Votes:
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue


            • Created: