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  1. Help-Desk
  2. HELP-1614

FIWARE.Request.Collabora. Partnership in Bosnia and Herzegowina



      Dear FiWare colleagues,

      EXin d.o.o. is company from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Banja Luka.

      We are young 'solution provider' company established in April 2013.

      We have programmers, electric engineers, and we already have a lot of
      successful implemented projects.

      We are also in Fractals project and we are very interesting to be your
      partner for Bosnia and Herzegovina or for this region.

      We would like to be your learning lab for this region, to be your software
      company and to sell FIWARE software and licences.

      Please be so kind to answer us, how we can start to be your partner,
      distributor for this region, and is this possible?

      Thank you in advance.

      Best regards


      Alen Tarabić


      EXin Logo-01

      EXin d.o.o.

      Bulevar V.S.Stepanovića 181c

      78000 Banja Luka

      Republic of Srpska

      Bosnia and Herzegovina

      Tel./Fax:+387 51 235 210

      Mob.: +387 65 931 351

      e-mail: alen.tarabic@exin.ba

      http:// <http://www.exin.ba/> www.exin.ba

      P please consider the environment before printing this e-mail ü



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      greškom, molimo Vas da o tome odmah obavijestite pošiljaoca i izbrišete ovu
      poruku, njene priloge i kopije.

      EXin d.o.o. ne preuzima nikakvu odgovornost s obzirom na bilo koju moguću
      netačnost bilo kojeg podatka koji je sadržan u ovoj poruci ako takav podatak
      nije povezan s registrovanim predmetom poslovanja EXin d.o.o. Stavovi
      izražena u ovoj poruci ne odražavaju isključivo službena stajališta EXin
      d.o.o. Hvala!

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      save, process or disclose this message. If you have received this message by
      mistake, please inform the sender immediately and delete this e-mail, its
      attachments and any copies.

      EXin d.o.o.. does not take any responsibility with regards to any possible
      inaccuracy of any data contained in this e-mail if such data do not relate
      to the registered operations of EXin d.o.o.. The opinions expressed in this
      e-mail do not necessarily reflect the official positions of EXin d.o.o.
      Thank you!

      Fiware-ops-help mailing list

      [Created via e-mail received from: Alen Tarabic <alen.tarabic@exin.ba>]



          • Assignee:
            maledonato Malena Donato Cohen
            fw.ext.user FW External User
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