Status: Closed
Resolution: Done
Fix Version/s: 2021
Sender Email:
Dear FiWare colleagues,
EXin d.o.o. is company from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Banja Luka.
We are young 'solution provider' company established in April 2013.
We have programmers, electric engineers, and we already have a lot of
successful implemented projects.
We are also in Fractals project and we are very interesting to be your
partner for Bosnia and Herzegovina or for this region.
We would like to be your learning lab for this region, to be your software
company and to sell FIWARE software and licences.
Please be so kind to answer us, how we can start to be your partner,
distributor for this region, and is this possible?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards
Alen Tarabić
EXin Logo-01
EXin d.o.o.
Bulevar V.S.Stepanovića 181c
78000 Banja Luka
Republic of Srpska
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Tel./Fax:+387 51 235 210
Mob.: +387 65 931 351
http:// <>
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EXin d.o.o. ne preuzima nikakvu odgovornost s obzirom na bilo koju moguću
netačnost bilo kojeg podatka koji je sadržan u ovoj poruci ako takav podatak
nije povezan s registrovanim predmetom poslovanja EXin d.o.o. Stavovi
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d.o.o. Hvala!
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e-mail do not necessarily reflect the official positions of EXin d.o.o.
Thank you!
Fiware-ops-help mailing list
[Created via e-mail received from: Alen Tarabic <>]
Dear Alen,
We have this email and it's from long time ago. We would like to fist apologise, since your message was in other technical list, and didn't reach me the right person to talk about collaboration.
Now, answering your question, currently you have different ways to collaborate with FIWARE, detailed as follows. About being a representative in Bozina, I'm not sure, you can participate in the accelerators calls, or you can contribute to FIWARE in different levels.
The acceleration programme offers the chance to submit innovative proposals based on FIWARE that could avail of our technology and create applications that generate new businesses or improve the efficiency of the existing ones. This is focused on SMEs and entrepreneurs.
The acceleration programme / Many of the calls have already closed but some others are still open:
Also you are more than welcome to participate in our Hackatons, check often the info on our website for upcoming dates: /
Last but not least, FIWARE as such contributes the core foundation, that is to say, the GEs and GE reference implementations. These are provided by the consortium members but we have plans to open it up in coming months to open a community. We do not have the governance rules yet so we cannot anticipate info. If you have ideas to contribute to our GEris; please check here What is a FIWARE Geri:
Please, let me know if you need any additional information.
Kind regards,
Malena Donato
Project Manager
Research & Innovation
Albarracín, 25
280037 - Madrid
T. +34 91 214 8166
Dear FiWare colleagues,
EXin d.o.o. is company from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Banja Luka.
We are young 'solution provider' company established in April 2013.
We have programmers, electric engineers, and we already have a lot of
successful implemented projects.
We are also in Fractals project and we are very interesting to be your
partner for Bosnia and Herzegovina or for this region.
We would like to be your learning lab for this region, to be your software
company and to sell FIWARE software and licences.
Please be so kind to answer us, how we can start to be your partner,
distributor for this region, and is this possible?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards