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FIWARE.Request.Collabora. FIWARE-NGSI v2 Specification



      Dear Mr. van Duyn

      Thank you for the appreciation of all the work done so far in the FIWARE community.

      The general IDS Connector is more a concept than a real product. If you have a look at the current version of the IDSA Reference Architecture 3.0 https://www.internationaldataspaces.org/publications/reference-architecture-model-3-0/ you can find descriptions, that an IDSA Connector can generally provide access to all kinds of the digital content via all kinds of transport protocols. It can be HTTP/S, MQTT, AMQP, JMS, gRPC, Websockets... and so on. As minimum, each connector must be able to speak HTTP/S and MQTT, and if it is a trusted connector, also IDSCP (an IDSA individual standard).

      In reality, it depends on what data has been made technically available and accessible in each IDS connector individually. Your connector must be able to handle NGSI v2 data, including all relevant IDS data exchange. We are currently developing an FIWARE Connector to handle NGSI v2/LD API Calls. Currently in a PoC state it will be available around October this year.

      So there are 2 separate questions:

      • Can your connector handle NGSI v2 data exchange?
      • Can your connector host an instance of FIWARE Context Broker or your own API (this would be a data app within the connector)?

      If you have your own API (not communicating with FIWARE Context Broker) you can not say it's "FIWARE"-NGSI v2, maximum NGSI v2 compatible. To call your API FIWARE-NGSI v2 compatible it must interact with FIWAR Context Broker, our core context management component. There are test suits available to test this. As NGSI v2 is an open standard you should be able to distribute it with your IDSA Connector, but the word FIWARE is bound the condition mentioned above. So we encourage you to also consider and implement the FIWARE Context Broker into your stack.

      Regarding memberships. FIWARE is an open source community. Nobody has to be become a member to use FIWARE. It is on you to judge the benefits of a membership. If it is a question of money, there are at least cost free individual memberships. But, of course, we encourage you to become an active member in our growing. Here you find the benefits of a membership: https://www.fiware.org/foundation/

      I hope this answers your questions.

      Best regards
      Gernot Böge
      FIWARE Solution Architect

      Dear Sir/Madam

      First of all, I would like to thank FIWARE, for all the effort that has been put into creating a framework of open source platform components to accelerate the development of Smart Solutions. The standardisation of APIs for data management and exchange, as well as harmonized data models really helps to standardize applications and make them more adaptable and we really thank full for that.

      We from SECON industries would really like to integrate the FIWARE-NGSI v2 Specification in one of our projects. We are currently adopting international data spaces and would like base the software service that we are implementing in the connector on NGSI v2.
      We have currently a self-created API implemented with FIWARE-NGSI v2 Specification, and our question is. Can we distribute this API with our IDS connector to customers, and if so, can we state that we support the FIWARE-NGSI v2 Specification in our IDS connectors.

      Also, if we support FIWARE specifications and are actively promoting the FIWARE Adoption and are collaborating with you in some shape or form, do we need to apply for a membership?

      Thank you for all your effort and creating innovation in the industry. I look forward to hearing from you.

      Best regards,

      Marc van Duyn
      SECON industries


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          • Assignee:
            gernot Gernot Boege
            fw.ext.user FW External User
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