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  1. Help-Desk
  2. HELP-14547

FIWARE.Request.General. Fiware compliancy requirements


    • Type: extRequest
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Done
    • Fix Version/s: 2021
    • Component/s: FIWARE-GENERAL-HELP
    • Labels:



      We are developing a smart city platform on Microsoft Azure, and would like to make this fiware compliant.

      However, the fiware website states that OpenStack compatibility is a requirement for fiware compliance?

      Is that a hard requirement? As long as we implement the contextbroker APIs in the platform, does it matter what platform we use?

      Kind regards,

      Mathias Colpaert
      Mathias Colpaert
      +32 496 06 23 88<tel:+32%20496%2006%2023%2088> | http://www.sirus.be

      Delivering Smart Innovation | IoT and Cloud Solutions
      Verlorenbroodstraat 122 bus 8, BE-9820 Merelbeke<https://goo.gl/maps/SMtDTHKW6bk>

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      [Created via e-mail received from: Mathias Colpaert <mathias.colpaert@sirus.be>]


        fw.ext.user FW External User created issue -
        backlogmanager Backlog Manager made changes -
        Field Original Value New Value
        Component/s FIWARE-GENERAL-HELP [ 10277 ]
        backlogmanager Backlog Manager made changes -
        Assignee Verus Plotho [ verus ]
        fla Fernando Lopez made changes -
        Assignee Verus Plotho [ verus ] Backlog Manager [ backlogmanager ]
        fla Fernando Lopez added a comment -

        The issue has been emailed:

        • Time sent: 20/Dec/18 9:50 AM
        • To: mathias.colpaert@sirus.be
        • with subject: *(HELP-14547) [Fiware-general-help] Fiware compliancy requirements *

        Dear user,

        First of all, sorry for the delay, we could not see this issue before today.

        Regarding your question, it is not mandatory that you use OpenStack to get a solution compliant with FIWARE. OpenStack is the environment that we use for experimentation with the FIWARE Technology. You can use whatever technology that you want because our deployments are based on docker technology.

        fla Fernando Lopez added a comment - The issue has been emailed: Time sent: 20/Dec/18 9:50 AM To: mathias.colpaert@sirus.be with subject: *( HELP-14547 ) [Fiware-general-help] Fiware compliancy requirements * Dear user, First of all, sorry for the delay, we could not see this issue before today. Regarding your question, it is not mandatory that you use OpenStack to get a solution compliant with FIWARE. OpenStack is the environment that we use for experimentation with the FIWARE Technology. You can use whatever technology that you want because our deployments are based on docker technology.
        fla Fernando Lopez made changes -
        External Participants mathias.colpaert@sirus.be
        fla Fernando Lopez made changes -
        Status Open [ 1 ] In Progress [ 3 ]
        fla Fernando Lopez made changes -
        Status In Progress [ 3 ] Answered [ 10104 ]
        jicg José Ignacio Carretero Guarde made changes -
        Resolution Done [ 10000 ]
        Status Answered [ 10104 ] Closed [ 6 ]
        backlogmanager Backlog Manager made changes -
        Summary [Fiware-general-help] Fiware compliancy requirements FIWARE.Request.General. Fiware compliancy requirements
        fla Fernando Lopez made changes -
        Fix Version/s 2021 [ 12600 ]
        Transition Time In Source Status Execution Times Last Executer Last Execution Date
        Open Open In Progress In Progress
        119d 33m 1 Fernando Lopez 20/Dec/18 9:50 AM
        In Progress In Progress Answered Answered
        2s 1 Fernando Lopez 20/Dec/18 9:50 AM
        Answered Answered Closed Closed
        26d 22h 15m 1 José Ignacio Carretero Guarde 16/Jan/19 8:05 AM


          • Assignee:
            backlogmanager Backlog Manager
            fw.ext.user FW External User
          • Votes:
            0 Vote for this issue
            2 Start watching this issue


            • Created: