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  1. Help-Desk
  2. HELP-14397

FIWARE.Request.Lab.FIWARE MAG2 Cygnus support.


    • HD-Enabler:


      Dear FIWARE help desk
      We are working at FrontierCities2 MAG2 project but we have some issue with Cygnus GE.

      In particular, our idea is to gather data from Orion GE and to push them into postgreSQL and CKAN by using the Cygnus GE.
      We installed cygnus v 1.9.0 by means of docker

      Regarding CKAN (v 2.8.0) we have the Exception reported below:

      "18/07/10 11:04:36 ERROR flume.SinkRunner: Unable to deliver event. Exception follows.
      java.lang.IllegalStateException: begin() called when transaction is OPEN!
      at com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkState(Preconditions.java:145)
      at org.apache.flume.channel.BasicTransactionSemantics.begin(BasicTransactionSemantics.java:131)
      at com.telefonica.iot.cygnus.sinks.NGSISink.processNewBatches(NGSISink.java:482)
      at com.telefonica.iot.cygnus.sinks.NGSISink.process(NGSISink.java:370)
      at org.apache.flume.sink.DefaultSinkProcessor.process(DefaultSinkProcessor.java:68)
      at org.apache.flume.SinkRunner$PollingRunner.run(SinkRunner.java:147)
      at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)"

      We tried to find a solution using Google, in particular, we modified the file "agent.conf" to set ckan sink and ckan channel.
      But, we have still problems. Indeed, during the update of Orion Context Broker the istance "cygnus-ngsi" start the transaction
      to update the data on our ckan platform but the exception reported above.

      Instead, regarding postgresql (9.15.13) the istance, before start a transaction, throws this error:
      "ERROR sinks.NGSISink: CygnusPersistenceError. -, null. Stack trace: [com.telefonica.iot.cygnus.sinks.NGSIPostgreSQLSink.persistAggregation(NGSIPostgreSQLSink.java:504), com.telefonica.iot.cygnus.sinks.NGSIPostgreSQLSink.persistBatch(NGSIPostgreSQLSink.java:231), com.telefonica.iot.cygnus.sinks.NGSISink.processRollbackedBatches(NGSISink.java:390), com.telefonica.iot.cygnus.sinks.NGSISink.process(NGSISink.java:372), org.apache.flume.sink.DefaultSinkProcessor.process(DefaultSinkProcessor.java:68), org.apache.flume.SinkRunner$PollingRunner.run(SinkRunner.java:147), java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:748)]".

      Enclosed I'm sending you our configuration file.
      Please, May you help us?
      Thank you a lot. Best regards


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      [Created via e-mail received from: Antonino Galletta <angalletta@unime.it>]

      1. agent.conf
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        FW External User



          • Assignee:
            andres.munoza Andres Muñoz
            fw.ext.user FW External User
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