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[fiware-stackoverflow] Device is created when sending measures to non existing device - IoTAgent-UL



      Created question in FIWARE Q/A platform on 13-07-2017 at 18:07
      Please, ANSWER this question AT https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45086461/device-is-created-when-sending-measures-to-non-existing-device-iotagent-ul

      Device is created when sending measures to non existing device - IoTAgent-UL

      We've discovered a bug in the IoT Agent Ultralight.

      If we try to send a measure to a non existing device, we'll get a 404 - DEVICE_NOT_FOUND error but at the same time a device without any attribute will be created in IoTA's and Orion CB's database.

      When I say a device without any attribute I refer to the following:

      "device_id": "test",
      "service": "MyService",
      "service_path": "/MyServicePath",
      "entity_name": "MyEntity:test",
      "entity_type": "MyEntity",
      "attributes": [],
      "lazy": [],
      "commands": [],
      "static_attributes": []

      This is a very important bug, because it's really simple to create as many devices as someone wants and that could eat our database space.

      Does someone know how to solve it?


        backlogmanager Backlog Manager created issue -
        backlogmanager Backlog Manager made changes -
        Field Original Value New Value
        Component/s FIWARE-TECH-HELP [ 10278 ]
        fla Fernando Lopez made changes -
        Assignee Jose Gato Luis [ josegato ]
        fla Fernando Lopez made changes -
        HD-Enabler IDAS [ 10884 ]
        HD-Chapter IoT [ 10839 ]
        backlogmanager Backlog Manager made changes -
        Status Open [ 1 ] In Progress [ 3 ]
        backlogmanager Backlog Manager made changes -
        Status In Progress [ 3 ] Answered [ 10104 ]
        josegato Jose Gato Luis made changes -
        Resolution Done [ 10000 ]
        Status Answered [ 10104 ] Closed [ 6 ]
        fla Fernando Lopez made changes -
        Fix Version/s 2021 [ 12600 ]


          • Assignee:
            josegato Jose Gato Luis
            backlogmanager Backlog Manager
          • Votes:
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue


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