Status: Closed
Resolution: Done
Fix Version/s: 2021
Component/s: FIWARE-LAB-HELP
Sender Email:
Hi there,
im sorry if i am sending to much emails to this inbox, but i have some
problems and questions:
1 - Im trying to make a ssh connection with the Ubuntu instance by using
the the pem file that was generated in the cloud dashboard.
2 - While trying to create a docker-machine it gives me this error:
"The base Identity V2 API does not accept authentication by DomainName"
1 - Do you have some documentation to generate the X-Auth to access the
orion context broker instance?
I.e. use X-Auth while connecting with [host]:1026/v2/entities
2 - To run docker in the ubuntu instance do i need some permission?
Sorry for the long e-mail,
Best regards,
Juan Ramos
Research and Development
[image: Mater Dynamics] <> Rua Alfredo Allen
455/461, 4200-135 Porto, Portugal <>
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[Created via e-mail received from: Juan Ramos <>]
In that case, I suggest to take a look to the following presentation:
Setting up your virtual infrastructure using FIWARE Lab Cloud
Specially the slides 21 and 22 to work with .ppk files in windows.