Status: Closed
Resolution: Done
Fix Version/s: 2021
Sender Email:
Good afternoon,
I try to create and update via CKAN library my dataset and groups, but the
following error always occurs:
{"help": "Create a new group.\n\n You must be authorized to create
groups.\n\n Plugins may change the parameters of this function depending
on the value\n of the ``type`` parameter, see the ``IGroupForm`` plugin
interface.\n\n :param name: the name of the group, a string between 2
and 100 characters\n long, containing only lowercase alphanumeric
characters, ``-`` and\n ``_``\n :type name: string\n :param
id: the id of the group (optional)\n :type id: string\n :param title:
the title of the group (optional)\n :type title: string\n :param
description: the description of the group (optional)\n :type
description: string\n :param image_url: the URL to an image to be
displayed on the group's page\n (optional)\n :type image_url:
string\n :param type: the type of the group (optional), ``IGroupForm``
plugins\n associate themselves with different group types and
provide custom\n group handling behaviour for these types\n
Cannot be 'organization'\n :type type: string\n :param state: the
current state of the group, e.g. ``'active'`` or\n ``'deleted'``,
only active groups show up in search results and\n other lists of
groups, this parameter will be ignored if you are not\n authorized
to change the state of the group (optional, default:\n
``'active'``)\n :type state: string\n :param approval_status:
(optional)\n :type approval_status: string\n :param extras: the
group's extras (optional), extras are arbitrary\n (key: value)
metadata items that can be added to groups, each extra\n dictionary
should have keys ``'key'`` (a string), ``'value'`` (a\n string), and
optionally ``'deleted'``\n :type extras: list of dataset extra
dictionaries\n :param packages: the datasets (packages) that belong to
the group, a list\n of dictionaries each with keys ``'name'``
(string, the id or name of\n the dataset) and optionally ``'title'``
(string, the title of the\n dataset)\n :type packages: list of
dictionaries\n :param groups: the groups that belong to the group, a
list of dictionaries\n each with key ``'name'`` (string, the id or
name of the group) and\n optionally ``'capacity'`` (string, the
capacity in which the group is\n a member of the group)\n :type
groups: list of dictionaries\n :param users: the users that belong to
the group, a list of dictionaries\n each with key ``'name'``
(string, the id or name of the user) and\n optionally ``'capacity'``
(string, the capacity in which the user is\n a member of the
group)\n :type users: list of dictionaries\n\n :returns: the newly
created group\n :rtype: dictionary\n\n ", "success": false, "error":
{"message": "Access denied: User 367eef0f-5866-4317-9d88-5754d9c23d17 not
authorized to create groups", "__type": "Authorization Error"}}
I am a member of organization Trentino, and I have permission to manage
However in Account -> Organization, there is no organization.
Some time ago, I did this operation and everything was fine.
Thank you in advance.
Giulia Canobbio.
Fiware-lab-help mailing list
[Created via e-mail received from: Giulia Canobbio <>]
We have not received a reply from original reporter and have been told we should close this (which we have now done)