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FIWARE.Request.Coach.INCENSe.Issue with Cygnus update within Orion's instance in Fi-Cloud


    • Type: extRequest
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Duplicate
    • Component/s: INCENSe
    • Labels:


      I'm sending this email because I've been having some issues with Cygnus within my Orion instance in Fi-Cloud.

      I was trying to make Cygnus persist Orion's data onto my COSMOS HDFS space within the COSMOS global instance. I was having trouble with cygnus config file. I wasn't getting results on COSMOS's HDFS, by seeing the appropriate file beeing created within the hadoop file system, so I was trying diferent things with the config file /usr/cygnus/conf/cygnus.conf .

      Then I saw that I was running Cygnus on version 0.5 and decided to update it to the latest version 0.8 by using the command "yum install cygnus" on my Orion instance, as instructed on ssh access.By doing this Cygnus stopped working and no 'service cygnus' is running anymore.. The cygnus folder, /usr/cygnus, is gone and removal of cygnus with 'yum remove cygnus' fails. Trying to reinstall does nothing as it is already installed.
      I didn't stop the cygnus service before installing the newest version. Don't know if that was inapropriate.
      More, I've been having issues starting new VMs on my Fi-Cloud latelly, to which I have already posted a support email. Because of that I don't want to even restart Orion's instance on the fear that it too stops working because of this issues with Fi-Cloud.
      If it is of any help, you can reach Orion's intance at or at of the node-int-net-01 network of Fi-Cloud.

      The end goal is simply to have Cygnus persist Orion's readings on my HDFS user space of COSMOS.
      If you need more information, please let me know, I will answer right away,
      Thank you,
      Fiware-incense-coaching mailing list

      [Created via e-mail received from: Arthur Vieira <arthurmvieira@hotmail.com>]



          • Assignee:
            pandriani Pasquale Andriani
            fw.ext.user FW External User
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