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  1. Help-Coaches-Desk
  2. HELC-905

FIWARE.Request.Coach.INCENSe.Issue with new VMs in Fiware Cloud


    • Type: extRequest
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Done
    • Component/s: INCENSe
    • Labels:


      I'm contacting because I've been developing our fiware aplication, but I'm having some issues in using Fiware-Lab's Cloud.
      I'm not being able to create instances running on a network, sharing security group and keypair, nor with new ones.
      I associate the public IP to the new instance, make sure port 22 (and also port 80) on the security group are open and I'm also configuring access to the private key I downloaded, with the command "$ chmod 600 key.pem".
      When I try to access the instance through ssh, using the new key, the terminal hangs and gives no response.
      More details:
      With one older working instance i start to create another:- I create a new security group and open ports 22 and 80 on it. - Then I create a keypair and download the private part. (also tryied with same key and security group of the working instance)- Following, I Launch a new instance, naming it and sellecting a flavor, then, I select the new keypair and security group just created (or old ones), followed by selecting the network already existing. This way both instances will be in the same network and able to comunicate even with only one external IP.

      • After finnishing the creation of the instance, in Security, I dissociate the public IP from the working instance and associate it to the new instance. So it should be working.
      • Lastly I go to my terminal, change the file configuration with "$ chmod 600 key.pem" and then try to access the public IP through ssh.At this point the terminal cursor drops one line and hangs there. I can wait for timeout or escape with Ctrl+C.
        Normally I would get a message telling me that the server fingerprint has changed. In that case I erase it and make a fresh connection to the new instance.
        I tried several images. In the past I was able to creat accessible instances with the same security group and keypair as of the working instance, but didn't try with diferent ones.
        I hope this is enough to characterize the issue. If more information is needed please ask.

      Thank you

      Arthur VieiraGeratriz, Portugal
      Fiware-incense-coaching mailing list

      [Created via e-mail received from: Arthur Vieira <arthurmvieira@hotmail.com>]

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          Transition Time In Source Status Execution Times Last Executer Last Execution Date
          Open Open In Progress In Progress
          1h 3m 1 Henar Muñoz 24/Jul/15 12:05 PM
          Closed Closed In Progress In Progress
          13d 23h 22m 1 Henar Muñoz 17/Aug/15 8:11 AM
          In Progress In Progress Answered Answered
          5d 20h 25m 2 Henar Muñoz 19/Aug/15 8:30 AM
          Answered Answered Closed Closed
          50d 8h 28m 2 Pasquale Andriani 02/Oct/15 4:21 PM


            • Assignee:
              pandriani Pasquale Andriani
              fw.ext.user FW External User
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              0 Vote for this issue
              3 Start watching this issue


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