Quick questions:
How long does the account upgrade take?
And, is this the proper channel to ask these question?
All contact links in the [FI-WARE-JIRA] emails link to jira.fiware.org,
which I can't access.
Should I be able to access that, or is this for internal use only?
ps. The 'forgot password' feature there tells me that it sent an reset
email to me, but it lies!
(No, it is not in my spam folder)
I suspect I can't get a public ip in Berlin because I haven't had my
resources allocated in Berlin yet.
But, the error does not really reflect this:
Error allocating IP address. Cause: 500 Error
{"computeFault": {"message": "The server has either erred or is
incapable of performing the requested operation.", "code": 500}}
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