Status: Closed
Resolution: Done
Component/s: FRACTALS
Dear Carmen,
Just got an email from the GE owner (Davide Zerbetto) to confirm that the SpagoBI will be released very shortly along with integration with IDM and CKAN:
“SpagoBI will be released beginning of next week in the FIWARE catalogu. This first release will include (apart from the functionalities provided by SpagoBI itself):
1. integration with IdM;
2. integration with CKAN for ad-hoc reporting functionalities.”
Best regards,
From: Chulani, Ilknur
Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2015 1:08 PM
To: Perea Escribano, Carmen; FRACTALS coach (
Subject: RE: [Fiware-fractals-coaching-atos] [Fiware-fractals-coaching] Use of SpagoBI
Dear Carmen,
The last info I have is from an email from the SpagoBI GE owner (Engineering) on January:
“A first integration between SpagoBI and the FIWARE Data Portal (CKAN) is expected in release 4.2, and therefore by the end of March.
The main idea of this feature is to provide to final users the capability to analyze datasets provided by CKAN using SpagoBI tools, and also to combine with enterprise data.“
But I am checking with them again to see if there are any updates to this plan since that time. Will get back to you when I hear back from Engineering.
Best regards,
On Behalf Of Perea Escribano, Carmen
Sent: Wednesday, April 08, 2015 6:30 PM
To: FRACTALS coach (<>)
Subject: [Fiware-fractals-coaching-atos] [Fiware-fractals-coaching] Use of SpagoBI
Dear coachers
We have received a proposal which is using SpagoBI we have seen the following Q&A on fIWARE web and we would like to know the current status of the GE
1.3.2 Does the application plan to implement some module that will enable users to generate reports, visualize data statistics and KPIs and perform customizable data/KPI analysis? Are there plans to use the FIWARE Data Visualization and Analysis GE (reference implementation: SpagoBI) for this purpose? How?
Note that SpagoBI will be progressively published as part of the FIWARE GEris but it is not available for the first calls of the accelerator projects.
Best regards and thank you.
Carmen Perea Escribano
Manufacturing & Retail Sector consultant
Research & Innovation
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- is duplicated by
HELC-621 FIWARE.Request.Coach.FRACTALS.Accelerator.Question.SpagoBI.Duplicate
- Closed
Field | Original Value | New Value |
Assignee | ilknur chulani [ ilknur.chulani ] |
Reporter | ilknur chulani [ ilknur.chulani ] | FW External User [ fw.external.urser ] |
Component/s | FRACTALS [ 10365 ] |
Status | Open [ 1 ] | In Progress [ 3 ] |
Status | In Progress [ 3 ] | Answered [ 10104 ] |
Resolution | Done [ 10000 ] | |
Status | Answered [ 10104 ] | Closed [ 6 ] |
Summary | Re: [Fiware-fractals-coaching] [Fiware-fractals-coaching-atos] Use of SpagoBI | FIWARE.Request.Coach.FRACTALS.Re: Use of SpagoBI |
Summary | FIWARE.Request.Coach.FRACTALS.Re: Use of SpagoBI | FIWARE.Request.Coach.FRACTALS.Accelerator.Question.SpagoBI |
Transition | Time In Source Status | Execution Times | Last Executer | Last Execution Date | |||||
5d 2h 7m | 1 | ilknur chulani | 14/Apr/15 3:02 PM | |||||
8s | 1 | ilknur chulani | 14/Apr/15 3:02 PM | |||||
4s | 1 | ilknur chulani | 14/Apr/15 3:02 PM |