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FIWARE.Request.Coach.FICHe.Re: FW: FIWARE Skype call


    • Type: extRequest
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Done
    • Component/s: FICHe
    • Labels:


      Thanks for the reply. See below for follow up question/clarification

      on 20/2/15 6:22 PM, Franck Le Gall <franck.le-gall@eglobalmark.com> wrote:

      > Here it is :
      > · We need to make a financial model for selling a FIWARE based SaaS/PaaS
      > we do not have any pricing information for the FIWARE nodes (compute,
      > memory, storage, bandwidth etc). Understand the software components (GEs)
      > are open source and royalty free. But what about the Infrastructure
      > services? For now we can make estimates on the IaaS production costs based
      > on other providers (Amazon, IBM etc) but looking for direction here from
      > FIWARE. When I met the London I3H project they didn't seem to know either.
      > FIWARE lab is today intended for test & development purpose only. You
      > not go in production with it. I am not aware of any detailed plan for a
      > production grade fiware environment. However, the sustainability plan for
      > the fiware community is now being refined: an announcement to support the
      > GEs will be made early March at mwc Barcelone. We expect that commercial
      > offers for the cloud hosting will follow, either from the community,
      > from individual organisations, or both, but nothing is set yet.

      Thanks. This is much the same as I have heard from the I3H UK discussion at
      EIT ICT Labs. Challenge we have for FICHe is to make a business
      plan/financial model/FIWARE proposal by Feb 28 when the specifics on an
      operational FIWARE service (FIWARE Ops Platform Providers) are still
      unknown. I think hopefully this can be resolved during the FICHe phase 2.

      I am sure will be discussed further on Monday as I know other participants
      in Amsterdam bootcamp had same questions.

      > · Are there any commercial T+C planned for the FIWARE operations? Service
      > level agreements in terms of system uptime, commercial liability,
      > indemnification, patent infringement etc
      > Covered above I think
      > · FIWARE Lab - Update of Term and Conditions and new user policies. See
      > other note.
      > See first point: not yet intended for production
      > · Roadmap on Cosmos GE. We have had hard time to get responses from
      > Telefonica and the responses we got didn't provide any roadmap. Can FICHe
      > team help with an answer here? We are waiting now for 2 weeks for any
      > update.
      > I am investigating this

      The other issue with Cosmos is that it can't be made into a dedicated
      instance. There is a shared HDFS across all users in the Lab. This makes it
      very hard to use with any customer data especially healthcare data sets. See
      below from the Cosmos GE catalog

      "for the current version of the enabler, there is no automatic deployment
      mechanism. It worths mention the current already desployed instance, which
      works as global shared instance for both the FI-LAB and FI-PPP memebers, is
      not a Cosmos Platform itself, but a shared Hadoop cluster. This is due to
      current limitations on the infrastructure, but it will be solved as soon as
      more hardware capabilities are added to FI-LAB."

      > · We need to set-up 4 nodes in the hadoop sense, meaning 4 linux instances
      > each with a different public IP.
      > The availability of public IPs is indeed an issue currently and the new
      > policy is expected to solve this. However, could this be made with 1
      > + 3 private adresses ? (see
      > sses-to-a-cluster-namenode)
      > Come back to me as needed

      The single public IP doesn't really work as we have a data service that
      users can access from their own BI tools.. The platform is such that each
      node(instance) in cluster can act as query coordinator. So each cluster node
      needs it own IP address that can be access from the outside.

      The only workaround for this seems to be limiting the access to REST service
      and then have that on a node with public IP and database nodes with private
      IP. This is ok for application level access but not for the ad-hoc
      analytics/data discovery use cases

      Fiware-fiche-coaching mailing list

      [Created via e-mail received from: =?utf-8?q?=22Dave=22?= <dave.watson@trendalyze.com>]


        Transition Time In Source Status Execution Times Last Executer Last Execution Date
        Open Open In Progress In Progress
        40d 1h 59m 1 Franck Le Gall 02/Apr/15 5:04 PM
        In Progress In Progress Answered Answered
        2s 1 Franck Le Gall 02/Apr/15 5:04 PM
        Answered Answered Closed Closed
        2s 1 Franck Le Gall 02/Apr/15 5:04 PM


          • Assignee:
            flegall Franck Le Gall
            fw.ext.user FW External User
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