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  1. Help-Coaches-Desk
  2. HELC-436

FIWARE.Request.Coach.FICHe.Summary of answers to requests for clarification


    • Type: extRequest
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Done
    • Component/s: FICHe
    • Labels:


      • Where can we find more information on the enablers, both on their specifications as well as their "reason for being"? The more we know about why they were made and where they are used, the better we can assess their current and future usefulness for our purpose.

      Check knowledge base in wiki<https://forge.fiware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/FI-WARE_Architecture>, in StackOverflow.com<http://stackoverflow.com/search?q=fiware> as well as the e-learning portal<http://edu.fi-ware.org/>.

      • is there a quality assurance system in place for any or all enablers? Are enablers certified in any way?

      No. Setting a labelling strategy is under discussion.

      • how is change control implemented, if at all? Is there a change advisory board of sorts?

      No common process defined with FIWARE today beyond overall Agile based project management. Each enabler development team is in chaerge of its own release and testing cycle.

      • How do we actually implement the enablers? Are there instructions available somewhere? Whom should we contact if we have questions?

      Either download from the catalog and install on your side or instantiate from the FIWARE lab cloud environment

      • we work with real patients' medical data, so security is a number one priority. Where can we find more information on how security is, or may be implemented for our use of a specific enabler?

      Security is managed within the Security chapter (see related wiki page<http://forge.fiware.org/plugins/mediawiki/wiki/fiware/index.php/Security_Architecture>). Alternatively, the FISTAR<https://www.fi-star.eu/fi-star.html> use case is proposing health compliant variants of the enablers.

      • for our use of any enabler it is important that there is a professional level of support available, or may be implemented. How is this (or can this) be arranged?

      Each SME benefits from a coach as central access point to FIWARE.

      • one of the advantages of the internet for health care is the ability to share data between patients worldwide, like patientslikeme.com does. Which enablers should we be looking at if we want to link to this or similar source?

      Look at the CKAN enabler for open data sets aggregration

      • Is there a FIWare policy regarding personal health records? Cloud storage? Perhaps even concrete solutions that are available?

      No. Based on FI-STAR (FIWARE health use case) analysis, a private cloud strategy should be set. FI-STAR catalog specifically targets the deployment over private clouds.

      • which data sources are already supported, if any? Are there existing implementations we should be looking at?

      None in the related field.

      Fiware-fiche-coaching mailing list


        Transition Time In Source Status Execution Times Last Executer Last Execution Date
        Open Open In Progress In Progress
        18m 58s 1 Franck Le Gall 19/Feb/15 5:54 PM
        In Progress In Progress Answered Answered
        3s 1 Franck Le Gall 19/Feb/15 5:54 PM
        Answered Answered Closed Closed
        5m 38s 1 Franck Le Gall 19/Feb/15 5:59 PM


          • Assignee:
            flegall Franck Le Gall
            flegall Franck Le Gall
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            0 Vote for this issue
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