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  2. HELC-434

FIWARE.Request.Coach.FICHe.Re: PACS enabler FICHe accelerator


    • Type: extRequest
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Done
    • Component/s: FICHe
    • Labels:


      Can the PACS system be used as a standalone SE? Are there any dependencies?
      For the proper functionality of the PACs SE it is necessary to have integration with the Security and Privacy SE, Timing Service, Event Service SE and Object Storage GE. This integration could be established and monitored through the PACs configuration GUI

      Can the PACS system be installed on any Linux machine, without using the cloud GEs?
      The PACs enabler can be installed on Linux and windows. Our instance is on Linux (Ubuntu).
      However, please note that currently only alpha version of the Specific Enabler. Integration wit other FISTAR enablers is still on-going.
      The final and stable versions of our Specific Enablers will be available after our pilot testing which is by end of June.


        flegall Franck Le Gall created issue -
        flegall Franck Le Gall made changes -
        Field Original Value New Value
        Assignee Franck Le Gall [ franck.le-gall ]
        flegall Franck Le Gall made changes -
        Status Open [ 1 ] In Progress [ 3 ]
        flegall Franck Le Gall made changes -
        Status In Progress [ 3 ] Answered [ 10104 ]
        flegall Franck Le Gall made changes -
        Resolution Done [ 10000 ]
        Status Answered [ 10104 ] Closed [ 6 ]
        flegall Franck Le Gall made changes -
        Description Thanks for the follow-up


        -----Message d'origine-----
        De : kleneokl@cs.ucy.ac.cy [mailto:kleneokl@cs.ucy.ac.cy]
        Envoyé : mercredi 18 février 2015 16:13
        À : Franck Le Gall
        Cc : pattichi@ucy.ac.cy
        Objet : Fwd: PACS enabler FICHe accelerator

        ----- Forwarded message from kleneokl@cs.ucy.ac.cy -----
            Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2015 15:57:10 +0200
            From: kleneokl@cs.ucy.ac.cy
        Subject: Re: PACS enabler FICHe accelerator
              To: "Jörgen Sandig | Scyfer.nl" <jorgen@scyfer.nl>

        Dear Jörgen,

        Thank you for your email.

        For your first question:

        For the proper functionality of the PACs SE it is necessary to have integration with the Security and Privacy SE, Timing Service, Event Service SE and Object Storage GE. This integration could be established and monitored through the PACs configuration GUI.

        For your second question:

        The PACs enabler can be installed on Linux and windows. Our instance is on Linux (ubuntu).

        **However, please note that currently we have developed the alpha version of our Specific Enablers. We are still in the process to integrate our enablers with other specific enablers from the FI-STAR platform such as the ones mentioned previously.

        The final and stable versions of our Specific Enablers will be available after our pilot testing which is by end of June.

        Thank you for your understanding.

        Best Regards,


        Quoting "Jörgen Sandig | Scyfer.nl" <jorgen@scyfer.nl>:

        > Dear Kleanthis,
        > We are exploring to use the PACS enabler as a participant of the FICHe
        > accelerator program. We've read the documentation on the catalogue and
        > we have two questions. Hopefully you can answer these questions for us
        > to decide if and how we can use the PACS enabler:
        > 1) Can the PACS enabler be used as a standalone SE? Are there any
        > dependencies?
        > 2) Can the PACS enabler be installed on any Linux machine, without
        > using the FIWARE cloud or cloud GEs?
        > Looking forward to your response.
        > Best,
        > Jörgen Sandig | Scyfer.nl
        > General Manager Scyfer BV
        > +31 6 22807457
        > jorgen@scyfer.nl
        > http://www.scyfer.nl <http://www.scyfer.nl/>
        > ACE Venture Lab
        > Matrix III
        > Science Park 402
        > 1098 XH Amsterdam
        > <http://scyfer.nl/scyfer-wins-aia-best-of-high-tech/>
        > <http://scyfer.nl/scyfer-wins-aia-best-of-high-tech/>

        ----- End forwarded message -----

        Fiware-fiche-coaching mailing list

        For your first question:

        For the proper functionality of the PACs SE it is necessary to have integration with the Security and Privacy SE, Timing Service, Event Service SE and Object Storage GE. This integration could be established and monitored through the PACs configuration GUI.

        For your second question:

        The PACs enabler can be installed on Linux and windows. Our instance is on Linux (ubuntu).

        **However, please note that currently we have developed the alpha version of our Specific Enablers. We are still in the process to integrate our enablers with other specific enablers from the FI-STAR platform such as the ones mentioned previously.

        The final and stable versions of our Specific Enablers will be available after our pilot testing which is by end of June.

        Thank you for your understanding.

        Best Regards,


        Quoting "Jörgen Sandig | Scyfer.nl" <jorgen@scyfer.nl>:

        > Dear Kleanthis,
        > We are exploring to use the PACS enabler as a participant of the FICHe
        > accelerator program. We've read the documentation on the catalogue and
        > we have two questions. Hopefully you can answer these questions for us
        > to decide if and how we can use the PACS enabler:
        > 1) Can the PACS enabler be used as a standalone SE? Are there any
        > dependencies?
        > 2) Can the PACS enabler be installed on any Linux machine, without
        > using the FIWARE cloud or cloud GEs?
        > Looking forward to your response.
        > Best,
        > Jörgen Sandig | Scyfer.nl
        > General Manager Scyfer BV
        > +31 6 22807457
        > jorgen@scyfer.nl
        > http://www.scyfer.nl <http://www.scyfer.nl/>
        > ACE Venture Lab
        > Matrix III
        > Science Park 402
        > 1098 XH Amsterdam
        > <http://scyfer.nl/scyfer-wins-aia-best-of-high-tech/>
        > <http://scyfer.nl/scyfer-wins-aia-best-of-high-tech/>

        ----- End forwarded message -----

        Fiware-fiche-coaching mailing list
        flegall Franck Le Gall made changes -
        For your first question:

        For the proper functionality of the PACs SE it is necessary to have integration with the Security and Privacy SE, Timing Service, Event Service SE and Object Storage GE. This integration could be established and monitored through the PACs configuration GUI.

        For your second question:

        The PACs enabler can be installed on Linux and windows. Our instance is on Linux (ubuntu).

        **However, please note that currently we have developed the alpha version of our Specific Enablers. We are still in the process to integrate our enablers with other specific enablers from the FI-STAR platform such as the ones mentioned previously.

        The final and stable versions of our Specific Enablers will be available after our pilot testing which is by end of June.

        Thank you for your understanding.

        Best Regards,


        Quoting "Jörgen Sandig | Scyfer.nl" <jorgen@scyfer.nl>:

        > Dear Kleanthis,
        > We are exploring to use the PACS enabler as a participant of the FICHe
        > accelerator program. We've read the documentation on the catalogue and
        > we have two questions. Hopefully you can answer these questions for us
        > to decide if and how we can use the PACS enabler:
        > 1) Can the PACS enabler be used as a standalone SE? Are there any
        > dependencies?
        > 2) Can the PACS enabler be installed on any Linux machine, without
        > using the FIWARE cloud or cloud GEs?
        > Looking forward to your response.
        > Best,
        > Jörgen Sandig | Scyfer.nl
        > General Manager Scyfer BV
        > +31 6 22807457
        > jorgen@scyfer.nl
        > http://www.scyfer.nl <http://www.scyfer.nl/>
        > ACE Venture Lab
        > Matrix III
        > Science Park 402
        > 1098 XH Amsterdam
        > <http://scyfer.nl/scyfer-wins-aia-best-of-high-tech/>
        > <http://scyfer.nl/scyfer-wins-aia-best-of-high-tech/>

        ----- End forwarded message -----

        Fiware-fiche-coaching mailing list
        Can the PACS system be used as a standalone SE? Are there any dependencies?
        For the proper functionality of the PACs SE it is necessary to have integration with the Security and Privacy SE, Timing Service, Event Service SE and Object Storage GE. This integration could be established and monitored through the PACs configuration GUI

        Can the PACS system be installed on any Linux machine, without using the cloud GEs?
        The PACs enabler can be installed on Linux and windows. Our instance is on Linux (Ubuntu).
        However, please note that currently only alpha version of the Specific Enabler. Integration wit other FISTAR enablers is still on-going.
        The final and stable versions of our Specific Enablers will be available after our pilot testing which is by end of June.
        mev Manuel Escriche made changes -
        Component/s FICHe [ 10362 ]
        backlogmanager Backlog Manager made changes -
        Summary Re: [Fiware-fiche-coaching] PACS enabler FICHe accelerator FIWARE.Request.Coach.FICHe.Re: PACS enabler FICHe accelerator


          • Assignee:
            flegall Franck Le Gall
            flegall Franck Le Gall
          • Votes:
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            1 Start watching this issue


            • Created: