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  1. Help-Coaches-Desk
  2. HELC-1369

FIWARE.Request.Coach.CEED-Tech.SpagoBI solution


    • Type: extRequest
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Done
    • Component/s: CEED-Tech
    • Labels:


      Hello Marco!

      We want to run the SpagoBI solution. Deploying a dedicated GE instance based on an image in FIWARE Cloud Portal.

      We log all queries and our wish is to send data through the API to SpagoBI and start to visualise data.

      Problem is, that in documentation: http://spagobilabs.github.io/SpagoBI/rest-api/spagobi.html <http://spagobilabs.github.io/SpagoBI/rest-api/spagobi.html> there stands that “You can do that through basic authentication.”

      We authenticate thought API with user and pass to <> And get error 401 - unauthorised

      How we can get SpagoBI API to work?

      Best regards
      Ragmar Saksing
      Partner & CTO

      Mobile: +372 5254 265
      Skype: ragmar.saksing
      www.shipitwise.com <http://www.shipitwise.com/>

      Since January 1st, old domains won't be supported and messages sent to any domain different to @lists.fiware.org will be lost.
      Please, send your messages using the new domain (Fiware-ceedtech-coaching@lists.fiware.org) instead of the old one.
      Fiware-ceedtech-coaching mailing list
      [Created via e-mail received from: Ragmar Saksing <ragmar.saksing@shipitwise.com>]

        Issue Links


          fw.ext.user FW External User created issue -
          backlogmanager Backlog Manager made changes -
          Field Original Value New Value
          Component/s CEED-Tech [ 10356 ]
          backlogmanager Backlog Manager made changes -
          Assignee Marco Terrinoni [ consoft_coach ]
          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni made changes -
          Component/s _TECH_ [ 11400 ]
          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni made changes -
          Labels spagobi
          backlogmanager Backlog Manager made changes -
          Link This issue relates to HELP-6426 [ HELP-6426 ]
          backlogmanager Backlog Manager made changes -
          Component/s _TECH_ [ 11400 ]
          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni made changes -
          Link This issue clones HELC-1371 [ HELC-1371 ]
          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni made changes -
          Link This issue clones HELC-1371 [ HELC-1371 ]
          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni made changes -
          Link This issue is cloned by HELC-1371 [ HELC-1371 ]
          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment -

          The issue has been emailed:

          • Time sent: 22/Apr/16 10:40 AM
          • To: ext_user@fi-ware.org
          • with subject: *(HELC-1369) [Fiware-ceedtech-coaching] SpagoBI solution *

          Dear Ragmar,
          I don't know if you received the reply from the SpagoBI team so, in any case, I'm going to forward it to you:

          I was able to replicate the 401 error, it fails when sending credentials to IdM in order to authenticate the user. Maybe the IdM APIs changed a little bit.
          I'll open a bug issue on JIRA for this.
          In the meanwhile, could you please try using SpagoBI without FIWARE IdM? you should create your own SpagoBI instance.
          Please take into account as follows:
          1. before using the SpagoBI REST API, I suggest users to get familiarity with its standard usage through the web GUI and datasets/documents types;
          2. the REST APIs were conceived for those analyses that do not provide user interaraction (i.e. static reports). They do not apply to analyses such as ad-hoc reports and cockpits, and even charts. For those kind of documents, you should use the JavaScript APIs (http://spagobi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/user/JS/README/index.html).
          Hope this helps

          The bug issue is available at this link.
          Thank you very much for your patience.
          Best regards,

          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment - The issue has been emailed: Time sent: 22/Apr/16 10:40 AM To: ext_user@fi-ware.org with subject: *( HELC-1369 ) [Fiware-ceedtech-coaching] SpagoBI solution * Dear Ragmar, I don't know if you received the reply from the SpagoBI team so, in any case, I'm going to forward it to you: Hi I was able to replicate the 401 error, it fails when sending credentials to IdM in order to authenticate the user. Maybe the IdM APIs changed a little bit. I'll open a bug issue on JIRA for this. In the meanwhile, could you please try using SpagoBI without FIWARE IdM? you should create your own SpagoBI instance. Please take into account as follows: 1. before using the SpagoBI REST API, I suggest users to get familiarity with its standard usage through the web GUI and datasets/documents types; 2. the REST APIs were conceived for those analyses that do not provide user interaraction (i.e. static reports). They do not apply to analyses such as ad-hoc reports and cockpits, and even charts. For those kind of documents, you should use the JavaScript APIs ( http://spagobi.readthedocs.org/en/latest/user/JS/README/index.html ). Hope this helps Regards Davide The bug issue is available at this link . Thank you very much for your patience. Best regards, Marco
          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni made changes -
          Status Open [ 1 ] In Progress [ 3 ]
          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni made changes -
          Link This issue relates to APP-1069 [ APP-1069 ]
          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment -

          The issue submitted by the user actually comes from a bug, reported in the APP-1069 issue.

          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment - The issue submitted by the user actually comes from a bug, reported in the APP-1069 issue.
          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni made changes -
          Status In Progress [ 3 ] Impeded [ 10004 ]
          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment -

          The impediment will be removed when the APP-1069 will be closed.

          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment - The impediment will be removed when the APP-1069 will be closed.
          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment -

          Still impeded due to a bug, identified by APP-1069.

          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment - Still impeded due to a bug, identified by APP-1069.
          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment -

          Still impeded due to a bug, identified by APP-1069.
          FIWARE Scrum Master notified (see the minutes from the coaches sprint 5.3.2 planning meeting).

          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment - Still impeded due to a bug, identified by APP-1069. FIWARE Scrum Master notified (see the minutes from the coaches sprint 5.3.2 planning meeting).
          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment -

          Still impeded due to a bug, identified by APP-1069.

          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment - Still impeded due to a bug, identified by APP-1069.
          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment -

          Still impeded due to a bug, identified by APP-1069.

          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment - Still impeded due to a bug, identified by APP-1069.
          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment -

          The bug that afflicts this issue will be addressed during the next Sprint.

          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment - The bug that afflicts this issue will be addressed during the next Sprint.
          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment -

          The bug that afflicts this issue will be addressed during the next Sprint.

          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment - The bug that afflicts this issue will be addressed during the next Sprint.
          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment -

          The bug that afflicts this issue will be addressed during this Sprint.

          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment - The bug that afflicts this issue will be addressed during this Sprint.
          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment - - edited

          The bug that afflicts this issue will be addressed during this Sprint.

          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment - - edited The bug that afflicts this issue will be addressed during this Sprint.
          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni made changes -
          Status Impeded [ 10004 ] In Progress [ 3 ]
          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment -

          The bug that afflicts SpagoBI can be considered resolved since the related ticket APP-1069 is now closed.
          Eventually, the reporter will be notified and this issue closed.

          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment - The bug that afflicts SpagoBI can be considered resolved since the related ticket APP-1069 is now closed. Eventually, the reporter will be notified and this issue closed.
          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni made changes -
          Status In Progress [ 3 ] Answered [ 10104 ]
          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment -

          The issue has been emailed:

          • Time sent: 28/Jun/16 11:43 AM
          • To: ext_user@fi-ware.org
          • with subject: *(HELC-1369) [Fiware-ceedtech-coaching] SpagoBI solution *

          Dear Ragmar,

          I've been informed that the issue related to the bug you identified is now closed and so I assume the bug is fixed as well.
          I'm going to close this ticket right now but, if possible, I kindly ask you to confirm me that the bug is actually fixed.

          Thank you for your time and patience.

          Best regards,

          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni added a comment - The issue has been emailed: Time sent: 28/Jun/16 11:43 AM To: ext_user@fi-ware.org with subject: *( HELC-1369 ) [Fiware-ceedtech-coaching] SpagoBI solution * Dear Ragmar, I've been informed that the issue related to the bug you identified is now closed and so I assume the bug is fixed as well. I'm going to close this ticket right now but, if possible, I kindly ask you to confirm me that the bug is actually fixed. Thank you for your time and patience. Best regards, Marco
          consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni made changes -
          Resolution Done [ 10000 ]
          Status Answered [ 10104 ] Closed [ 6 ]
          backlogmanager Backlog Manager made changes -
          Summary [Fiware-ceedtech-coaching] SpagoBI solution FIWARE.Request.Coach.CEED-Tech.SpagoBI solution
          Transition Time In Source Status Execution Times Last Executer Last Execution Date
          Open Open In Progress In Progress
          1d 23h 5m 1 Marco Terrinoni 22/Apr/16 10:42 AM
          In Progress In Progress Impeded Impeded
          6h 39m 1 Marco Terrinoni 22/Apr/16 5:22 PM
          Impeded Impeded In Progress In Progress
          66d 18h 16m 1 Marco Terrinoni 28/Jun/16 11:38 AM
          In Progress In Progress Answered Answered
          1m 40s 1 Marco Terrinoni 28/Jun/16 11:40 AM
          Answered Answered Closed Closed
          3m 24s 1 Marco Terrinoni 28/Jun/16 11:43 AM


            • Assignee:
              consoft_coach Marco Terrinoni
              fw.ext.user FW External User
            • Votes:
              0 Vote for this issue
              2 Start watching this issue


              • Created: