Status: Closed
Resolution: Done
Component/s: FI-ADOPT
Wstore authorization question from TechByApp:
From: Massimo Corna
Sent: Saturday, March 19, 2016 7:03 PM
To: Chulani, Ilknur
Subject: ** SPAM scored: Med **Problem new user and authorize store
Good morning , and I apologize for the inconvenience ,
We have a problem with new users created in fiware lab.
Our application also interfaces with the store (file our store), but nevertheless we access from our app to fiware lab with userid and password and get the authendicazione token we can not then access the store from our app because it lacks the authorization
Why are we forced to logging the new user to fiware lab through your portal then enter the store menu and click on the button authorize (file Authorize Store.png)
I ask you if there is a code to give the authorize the new user to use the store throw web service I read this document
but not find a web service call for authorize user to use store.
I hope I explained , and I hope you can give me a help to enable users to also use the store from our app without the need to use the portal fiware lab
Sorry , and thanks a lot
Massimo Corna
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The issue has been emailed:
HELC-1328) [Fiware-fiadopt-coaching] TeachByApp - WStore authorization problem *Hello Massimo,
There are 2 types of authentication/authorization mechanism in WStore as described in the user guide. One option is to use skip IDM and use internal Django user management and the other option is to configure IDM and use it(since you are using global Wstore instance and it does use IDM as authorization component). If you use IDM then one needs to go through the steps that you described in your post. There is no other way to do this. I hope this answer clears it.
Kind regards