Status: Closed
Resolution: Done
Component/s: FINODEX
Dear Fiware coaches,
My company XLAB has quite some experience in Fiware technology, so up to now
we have not really required coaching. Now I would like to discuss some open
issues both with a Fiware coach (generic enablers and specific health,
notably Fistar EHR SE epSOS-SE) and an open data coach.
Please let me know how to proceed.
Thank you very much.
Warm Regards,
Tina V. Vavpotic, Project Lead TeleTransfusion - Finodex_057
Tina V. Vavpotič |
<> | mobile: +386 30 313
XLAB d.o.o. | Pot za Brdom 100 | SI-1000 Ljubljana | Slovenia | EU
Reg. Number: 1639714 | VAT ID: SI15779092 | <>
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Fiware-finodex-coaching mailing list
[Created via e-mail received from: "Tina V. Vavpotic" <>]
Dear Tina,
For issues around the FI-STAR EHR SE and epSOS-SE please contact directly Kleanthis Neokleous in cc<
Kind regards,
Anastasius Gavras
Eurescom GmbH
From: stefano de panfilis
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2016 7:21 PM
To: Tina V. Vavpotic
Cc:; Miguel García; Pasquale Vitale; Anastasius Gavras; Covaci Stefan
Subject: Re: [Fiware-finodex-coaching] Fiware coaches
dear tina,
concerning fi-star fiware-based technologies in cc you have both the fi-star project coordinator (tasos) and the fi-star technical director (stefan) who can assist you. however please note that fi-star ended its activities september last year, still i'm sure they can advaise you.
concerning fiware-based open data technologies you can start a conversation with fiware-finodex coach (my colleague pasquale vitale) and eventually him can re-direct you to the concerned ge owners if needed.
2016-03-17 13:33 GMT+01:00 Tina V. Vavpotic <<
Dear Fiware coaches,
My company XLAB has quite some experience in Fiware technology, so up to now we have not really required coaching. Now I would like to discuss some open issues both with a Fiware coach (generic enablers and specific health, notably Fistar EHR SE epSOS-SE) and an open data coach.
Please let me know how to proceed.
Thank you very much.
Warm Regards,
Tina V. Vavpotic, Project Lead TeleTransfusion – Finodex_057
Tina V. Vavpotič |
> | mobile: +386 30 313 686<tel:%2B386%2030%20313%20686><
XLAB d.o.o. | Pot za Brdom 100 | SI-1000 Ljubljana | Slovenia | EU
Reg. Number: 1639714 | VAT ID: SI15779092 |<>
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>) instead of the old one.
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