
    • Type: extRequest
    • Status: Closed
    • Priority: Major
    • Resolution: Done
    • Component/s: FI-C3
    • Labels:


      Dear Franck,

      Introducing myself first of all – I am supervising the software development
      and would like to touch base with you

      Referring to our virtual meeting last Tuesday:

      Having implemented FiWare key-rock-identity management in VeloCarrier’s
      Portal we would like to discuss two aspects :

      First – according to our delivery plan we thought that implementation of one
      Fiware enabler / tools at this point in time

      Is sufficient and meets your expectations. Having seen your reaction we just
      were a bit surprised. From a software point

      Of view we could integrate other enablers if it makes sense from a processs
      point of view for VeloCarrier.

      Second – we have Implemented IDM keyrock management in the web portal
      which after authentication will be redirected to our Velo Carrier
      application page.

      Everything works fine but we have a technical difficulty. The logout
      functionality does not seem to work in the way as expected.

      When someone logs out as a franchise owner the session does not terminate
      properly. And when I login as a Franchise owner again I am automatically
      logged in with old credentials.

      In short the IDM keyrock management session is not terminated properly and
      to login as a franchise owner we have to clear cache manually
      (ctrl+shift+del) each time in the browser.

      Could you please share your thoughts and insights with regards to this issue
      and how to overcome this?

      Expecting your kind reply.

      Rudolf Weiss


      FaRa Logistic Consult GmbH
      Am Stadtgraben 19
      72070 Tübingen
      Telefon 0 70 71 / 145 00 00
      Telefax 0 70 71 / 145 00 09

      Amtsgericht Stuttgart HRB 354482
      Raimund Rassillier, Torsten Fauser
      Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE240914144

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          • Assignee:
            flegall Franck Le Gall
            fw.ext.user FW External User
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